

Are you a Florida-born trans person who has had your birth certificate ammendment stalled?

It is looking very likely that the State of Florida is refusing to amend trans birth certificates, despite name and gender marker changes currently being legal and having been honored in the past.

My own expedited request has sat aside for “legal review” for over 6 months now.

If this is also happening to you, please contact Equality Florida. There may be grounds for a lawsuit.

In the meantime, get your passport asap. In most cases, it can be used in lieu of a birth certificate when additional ID is needed and it allows you to self-ID for gender.

Reblogging this now that I have been in contact with legal counsel.

It appears that when SB 254 and HB 1421 were working their way through legislation (at the time, they included a gender marker ammendment ban), the Florida Department of Health decided to stop processing gender ammendments. They effectively decided to proceed with the ban, even though in the end, no such ban ever went into law.

Now, months after the ban legislation failed, the Department of Health has decided to reinterpret guidance for birth certificate ammendments, again essentially resulting in a ban for gender marker changes.

No one seems to have been able to get their marker amended since at least Jan 2023.

Equality Florida and Southern Legal Counsel are working on this. I would not be surprised if there is a lawsuit.

If you have received a denial letter for your FL birth certificate gender marker ammendment, please contact Equality Florida. If you are still waiting, also feel free to contact them.



Vietnam’s first trans dad gives birth to a girl with his transgender wife by his side



Pink News tells the story about Minh Khang and Minh Anh, who became parents on May 16, to baby girl Thiên An. Minh Khang is a transgender man, and – according to the Vietnamese press – the first trans man to give birth to a child in that country.

His wife, Minh Anh, is also trans.

Côngly published an and article about the transgender couple’s wedding back in 2017, and i have included some of the photos  below.

In early 2017, Minh Anh participated in a contest for transgender people. In the final round, she won the Miss Stylish award. That same day, she met Minh Khang -– the representative of transgender men in the Dong Thap province – for the first time.


Vietnam Insider has more.


The couple had this photo taken to mark  Minh Khang’s pregnancy.






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Once again, thank you everyone for reading, enjoying, and sharing this comic.  Not just sharing in the sense of re-posting this comic, (which you should totally do) but also sharing your stories with me, letting my know how my comics have touched you.  It means so much to me.  Love ya!

Stay tuned for more comics! <3

It gives me tremendous joy to see people still reading this comic, and especially when they get something out of it.

Over the years I have faced many ups and downs, just like everyone else. Sometimes it really gets to me how mean people can be to each other. How mean I can be to myself.

But for all the Level 1 Trans Fighters out there please know with acceptance, mindfulness, and self compassion I did in fact find my balance. Not a fast process. Basically a complete lifestyle change.

Sometimes I lose that balance, sure. But when I choose to present my authentic identity? I’m objectively drop dead gorgeous.

Here are a hand full of my looks. You’ll notice none of them are 100% masculine or feminine.

Peace be with you.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for being you.



You deserve to feel comfortable, so don’t push yourself to go at a faster pace. It’ll hurt you more.

Reblogging both for stellar comic and wonderful mustache

always reblog! I love this comic, so very much. *offers all the kudos* Thank you for this, it continues to help a lot. You look amazing in those lipstick shades, by the way.


here is a twitter thread of black trans women’s gofundme’s that still need to reach their goals















I wonder how many gay people are actually transgender & dont know it because people thing being transgender is transitioning when it’s literally just not being cis.

like I had a friend tell me last night “all my life I wanted to be a girl. even to this day, like if someone told me I could transition & look like you or *insert another trans woman idk* I would do it in a heartbeat” and when I was like omg ur transgender he was surprised? like he was like wait just wanting to be a girl makes me transgender even if I dont do anything about it? and like its harder to pinpoint non binary people but if u have a desire be a different gender ur transgender. transitioning is a choice but being transgender is not.

“One of the symptoms of being a girl is wanting to be a girl.” Don’t remember where I heard that but the quote is my life.

This is one of the posts I can explicitly pinpoint as helping me realize that I might not be cis. The biggest symptom of being trans is wanting to not be your gender. It can also be dysphoria, it can also be euphoria, it can also be presentation, but wanting to be something else is all you really need.

#wait so ur telling me#‘i dont want to have a gender’#can mean#‘i dont have a gender??’
I would also like to know… for reasons

Confirmed. How to know you’re agender: You don’t want to be anything else. You look at the options for gender and gender presentation and decide to go back to bed

Bold of you to assume I got out of bed

Nah but seriously thanks for the insight

So, if I look at gender and say “this is some bullshit and I want no part of it”, I guess that makes me agender?

if that’s how you wanna identify, yeah.

feeling anything mentioned in this post doesn’t mean you have to identify as trans, but feeling anything in this post is literally all that’s necessary to identify as trans if you want to.

fuck gatekeepers forever.


i mean this is literally what jvn said

This is one of those things where you can go 25+ years of your life not realising that actually no not everyone secretly wishes they were some mashup of male and female and that you are, in fact, genderfluid as fuck.

You can want to be the other gender.

You can want to be another gender.

You can want to divorce all connection to the gender you were born into.

You can want to keep it as an origin point that shapes your journey.

You can want to be more than one gender at once.

You can want to be more than one gender, at different times.

You can want to be no gender.

You can want to be sort of in between genders.

You can want to be both genders.

You can want to be rid of gendered body parts you already have.

You can want to keep gendered body parts while also being another gender.

You can want to be rid of them but not want the side effects of excising them.

You can feel dysphoria at being shaped like/viewed as/treated like a gender you don’t want.

You can feel euphoria at being shaped like/viewed as/treated like a gender you do want.

You can change your mind or adjust your goals or refine your wishes.

You can be stationary and fixed in your identity.

You can be fluid and changing.

You can be extremely gendered in your presentation.

You can be not very gendered in your presentation.

You can be androgynous.

You can be a little of both.

You can be a lot of both.

If gender is a line you can cross, as the words trans (across/on the other side of) and cis (here/on the same side of) indicate, you can cross it in any way you like, including dancing on top of it.

Be happy.

Be you.

This is an extremely affirming post.

Trans Men Need the Competent Fertility Care I Never Got |

A Note To Our Followers


My name is Jacob.

In 2009 I began the site Transpride here on Tumblr. I began to question my own identity in 2011 and removed myself from this blog.

In 2016 I contacted the team and have now, finally, come back.

Thank you for remaining with us while this blog has been on hiatus. I am currently in talks with several people in the LGBT community based in the UK as to what they want to see from this blog.

As we still do not have the ask feature back, please reblog this post and tell me what you would like to see, or reblog to signal boost our return.

Admissions and submissions will be turned on in the next month.

I have some big plans and I finally now have the time to see them through.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for waiting us out, and thank you to the two admins who had been holding the site.

Help us to do right by our community.

Yours hopefully,

Reblogging this in case this was slept on.

I am currently working with people within the community here in the UK and submissions will be opening for those interested in writing column pieces.

I would like a rough draft of 2500 words with a brief on what your column concerns. I am looking for trans people of ALL BACKGROUNDS and ALL IDENTITIES who have been or are currently in education to talk about their experiences.

My plan is to turn this blog into something akin to an online paper specifically for trans issues, and so (as mentioned above) please reblog this post, even to just signal boost.

Many thanks!

A Note To Our Followers


My name is Jacob.

In 2009 I began the site Transpride here on Tumblr. I began to question my own identity in 2011 and removed myself from this blog.

In 2016 I contacted the team and have now, finally, come back.

Thank you for remaining with us while this blog has been on hiatus. I am currently in talks with several people in the LGBT community based in the UK as to what they want to see from this blog.

As we still do not have the ask feature back, please reblog this post and tell me what you would like to see, or reblog to signal boost our return.

Admissions and submissions will be turned on in the next month.

I have some big plans and I finally now have the time to see them through.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for waiting us out, and thank you to the two admins who had been holding the site.

Help us to do right by our community.

Yours hopefully,

A Note To Our Followers

My name is Jacob.

In 2009 I began the site Transpride here on Tumblr. I began to question my own identity in 2011 and removed myself from this blog.

In 2016 I contacted the team and have now, finally, come back.

Thank you for remaining with us while this blog has been on hiatus. I am currently in talks with several people in the LGBT community based in the UK as to what they want to see from this blog.

As we still do not have the ask feature back, please reblog this post and tell me what you would like to see, or reblog to signal boost our return.

Admissions and submissions will be turned on in the next month.

I have some big plans and I finally now have the time to see them through.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for waiting us out, and thank you to the two admins who had been holding the site.

Help us to do right by our community.

Yours hopefully,


Established in September 2009, Transpride is a blog for those who identify as anything that falls under the trans umbrella, as well as their friends, families, and allies.

