


Official Time Loop Post



Not queer as in “queer is not a slur” but queer as in “I do not give a fuck if its a slur, you don’t get to censor my identity regardless”. Queer as in “I HOPE my identity upsets you”. Queer as in “my identity is not only a slur but a threat”

Queer Slur Heritage Post


Idk man it’s so easy to get bogged down in all the bullshit online but when my then-6 year old cousin found out I was trans he said “ok” then corrected my grandma when she misgendered me. I was once the third between a gay man and a lesbian. Two lesbians once invited me back to their place when I presented as a man. I met an AMAB nb butch who looked strikingly to outsiders like a cis man and it was one of the more sapphic experiences I’ve had. I nervously wore a boydyke shirt to pride and got 3 different cis-looking femme folks tell me they loved my shirt. I once told a trans group at a protest that any pronouns were fine for me and one person said “wow, I’m impressed and intimidated by people like that. I don’t know that I could be that chill with pronouns.” I once told a GNC friend I wished I could wear a type of “opposite” gender clothing after I had already transitioned and so it would be associated with my AGAB and he said “You could just do it.” I’ve had cishet men fight cops for me before. The first time I had a doctor ask me if my name was different than what was on my forms I had to try not to cry. Last week, a phone call with a doctor’s office where I am generally cis passing asked unprompted if my name listed is what I want to be called. It touched me then too. I told a lesbian friend once I felt like my attraction to men AND women both felt gay. She said “makes sense.” And we moved on. I go by different pronouns in different circles. I’ve had gay women love my facial hair. I’ve had gay men like my tits. It’s all out there, I promise. It can be hard to find it but I promise there is community like you and community who likes you. And it’s more messy and beautiful than tumblr discourse makes it out to be.



i know pirates of the caribbean would have never been made today (on-location practical effects film) but if it WAS…

we’d absolutely have another “Introducing Disney’s First Ever LGBT Character!!” moment, and of course everyone would be like “oh yeah, jack sparrow is bisexual, we’re aware, got it.” and then disney would be like “No.”

and so we’d be like, “Oh, okay, Pintel and Ragetti are definitely not related and there’s something homeoerotic going on there. Cool. We support that.” and disney would go “No…”

and then they’d point to this fucking picture


“Maccus, the shark-headed first mate, has unrequited feelings for Davy Jones…” and there’d be an approximately 0.5 second scene where Maccus looks at Davy out of the corner of his 3rd eye and goes “Davy…..” and Davy ignores him and disney is like “We’re so brave for this.”

and it’d be another goddamn gaston/le fou situation where half of y'all would be going “oh my god slayyyy love is reeaaalll” while the other half are pointing out how weirdly homophobic it is to have the cursed, PERPETUALLY DAMNED, ANIMAL-LIKE men be hinted as gay

and the fanart would be vile

update on this post: i have seen erotic fanart of them now, and i’m not sharing it


the funniest thing that’s happened to me recently is that someone seemingly tried to update my pronouns on the medical system but accidentally made it so that my actual name is now “They Them”



Laura Jane Grace burning her birth certificate in North Carolina in 2016, after the state passed transphobic bathroom legislation relating to what is on a person’s birth certificate. (x)

“ theenglishmanwithallthebananas:
“ theenglishmanwithallthebananas:
“ theenglishmanwithallthebananas:
“ theenglishmanwithallthebananas:
“This was the funniest hour of my life
At the end of the panel we gave them a round of applause for...






This was the funniest hour of my life

At the end of the panel we gave them a round of applause for being so brave in trying to write straights and cisgenders

Especially Jasika, who got very emotional about her childhood with straight parents

types of comments on this post:

-straight people saying :/ love is love :/ gay or straight why does it matter ://///

-gay people saying wait no really i’ve never written a non-lesbian pls help

-people pointing out that even straight people don’t know how to write straight people without unnecessary romance

the truly impressive part of this panel was how for an hour, a FULL hour, they talked about writing straight characters like the st8s talk about writing queer characters and they did. not. break. It was the most amazing piece of improv comedy i’ve ever seen. 



so true james spader


attraction vs gender envy will really get you every time. took me a long time to realize I’m a lesbian because I kept mistaking wanting to look like men in my life for attraction.

meanwhile a few years ago before I really realized I’m transmasc I went to the Renn Faire with my brother and my bestie on my birthday and my brother said he’d buy me a whole outfit which is insane economically so I was in the costume booths trying on dresses and corsets and getting closer and closer to a total meltdown bc I hated how I looked in all of them and then my friend gently said hey….do you think you actually want to wear these clothes or do you think maybe you just like the way other women look in them?

and I was like : 0

went to the men’s section and loved the first thing I tried on.


A light pink background with a graphic of a hand holding a pansexual flag and a heart in the pansexual colors, black text reading, “pan visibility day. recognizing, celebrating, and uplifting pansexual, panromantic, panalterous, pansensual, panaesthetic, panplatonic, pangender, and otherwise pan-identified folks. may 24.”ALT
A light pink background with a low transparency graphic of a person holding a pansexual flag, black text over it reading, “what does pansexuality mean? pansexuality is a sexual orientation denoting sexual attraction to people of all genders, or more specifically, regardless of gender. rather than sexual; panromantic, pansensual, panalterous, panaesthetic, and panplatonic all indicate different ways of being attracted to people of all genders or regardless of gender.”ALT
A light pink background with a low transparency graphic of a person holding a waving pansexual flag, black text over it reading, “is pansexual a new label? pansexual has been used in today’s context since at least the 1960s, gaining traction in the 1990s and entering the mainstream lexicon by the 2010s. pansexual also has a diverse history being used in music communities throughout the 1960s-80s and in bdsm/kink communities throughout the 1980s-90s.”ALT
A light pink background with a person holding a pansexual flag behind them, black text reading, “pan pride days. pan visibility day: may 24th, pan pride day: december 8th, pan week: december 6th-12th.”ALT

happy pan visibility day!! 💗💛💙

anyone who identifies as pan in some way, on its own or in addition to other labels, all the time or only sometimes, for your attraction or gender, today is for you.

on days like this, i urge everyone to take the time to learn actual pansexual history. if you don’t know where to start doing so, check out my detailed (but non-exhaustive) timeline of pansexual history.

pan people deserve so much better. we deserve to be taken into account and included in things that concern us. we deserve to be treated with the same kind of respect that others get. we deserve support, understanding, love, and fair treatment.

anyways, i hope all pan people are having a lovely day and i hope all non-pan people are treating pan folks well. be kind to yourself and others. 🌈💕




In Japanese, they don’t say “moon,” they say “tsuki,” which literally translates to “moon,” and I think that’s how language works.

Hey its been at least 9 years anything changed?


nope! all quiet on the linguistic front. i am a girl now though





⚠️ warning: side effects of testosterone ⚠️

✅ harder

✅ better

✅ faster

✅ stronger