AWS EC2 Container Service — an overview

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a container management service used to make it easier to install and operate Docker containers on AWS. It is designed to be highly scalable and to have high performance as well. As other services provided by Amazon, such as RDS, ECS handles fault-tolerance by itself, which means we don’t... Continue Reading →

AWS Certified Solutions Architect — VPC

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows us to define our virtual network inside the cloud. To properly use EC2 instances we must have a VPC configured. AWS already comes with one by default, allowing users to launch an EC2 instance without having to configure anything else. It comes with internet access enabled, which makes possible... Continue Reading →

AWS Certified Solutions Architect — EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides scalable computing capacity in the cloud. EC2 is one of the most used services inside AWS, enabling its users to eliminate the upfront cost that comes in acquiring hardware. Running virtual environments, known as instances inside of EC2, is the equivalent of having an actual hardware, with the advantage... Continue Reading →

AWS Certified Solutions Architect — S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service, better known as S3, is a service on AWS to store data on the internet. Buckets Buckets are the containers to store data on S3. They can be viewed as a root “folder” responsible for store every object data that is uploaded. Buckets are useful to easily identify accounts storage usage,... Continue Reading →

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