Inspire Well

A flexible grid-based premium Tumblr theme that is perfect for sharing creative inspiration. Inspire Well is perfect for mobile photo blogging, design portfolio, and sharing family life.

Change the colors, upload a background image, and customize 30+ options to make Inspire Well your own unique style. See all the features and 3rd party support as well as the version history.


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Curate. Create. Inspire Well

Install for only $49

Inspire Well premium Tumblr theme is a flexible grid-based layout ideal for currating inspiration, sharing your creations, and documenting life.  You have complete creative freedom in customizing your site and control over the unique grid layout with small, medium and large posts. Make Inspire Well your own with 40+ options in the Appearance menu including support Disqus, Google Analytics, Clicky, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and more.

Flexible Layout


Control your site layout with post tags.  Add the tag “xs” for small one column width posts and “xl” for larger posts covering three columns.  Without the size tags your posts will default to two columns wide.  If you want to force all your posts to the small or default size you have that option in the Customize > Appearance menu.

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charity: water

There are a billion people living without clean water. charity: water uses 100% of the money raised to build water projects. So far they’ve helped over a million people get clean water. Watch the Trailer.

To say a grid is limiting is to say that language is limiting, or typography is limiting. It is up to us to use these media critically or passively.

Ellen Lupton

Experimental typefaces, art, and vector graphics by Branislav Cirkovic

Underwater Project

Photographer Mark Man documents below the surface as swimmers play in the Australian waves.  Read more about the project and order prints from The Underwater Project.

Tame Impala - Solitude is Bliss

You will never come close to how I feel…

Traveling in the Japanese high-speed train Shinkansen from Shinosaka to Tokyo.  Filmed by Daihei Shibata

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration

Thomas Edison

Via The 99 Percent

Black Wines

Black Wines is a small boutique winery based in the Rotan, Texas. They approached Gunther to help them create a brand and package to sell their ‘Black Sparkling Wine’ for around $185 retail. The bottle features a minimalist, graphics and labeling free design.

Weather Tests

Weather Tests is an exploratory film project by Savas Ozay which is an attempt of exaggerating actions and physics of each season.

Jon Miller

Born and raised in New York, Jon Miller is a designer, illustrator, and typographer. He is co-founder and creative director of design studio Letters Everywhere.

Jon’s selected works are dripping with inspiration.


Photographer Romain McMan captures people on the streets of NYC from a different perspective.

Vimeo HTML5 Video Embeds

Earlier this week Vimeo updated their universal embed code to support HTML5 video.  Any new Vimeo videos you add should already support HTML5, but if you have quite a few old videos on your site you can now select “Use HTML5 embeds for Vimeo” in Customize > Appearances to update the videos.

See the full change log and download Inspire Well.

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