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A New Method of Image Fusion Based on Redundant Wavelet

LI Xu*

, Michel ROUX

, HE Mingyi*, Francis SCHMITT

*School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, 710072, P. R. China

Department of Signal and Image Processing, TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, 75013, France,
Keywords: image fusion, redundant wavelet transform, edge
enhanced detail, consistency verification.
The goal of image fusion is to combine information from
multiple images of the same scene. The result of image fusion
is a new image which is more suitable for human and
machine perception or further image-processing task such as
segmentation, feature extraction, object detection and target
recognition. In this paper we present a new fusion algorithm
based on the redundant wavelet transform (RWT). The two
source images are firstly decomposed using the RWT, which
is shift-invariant. The wavelet coefficients from the
approximation plane and wavelet planes are then combined
together, and the fused image is reconstructed by the inverse
RWT. To evaluate the performance of image fusion results,
we investigate both subjective and objective evaluation
measures. The experimental results show that the new
algorithm outperforms the other conventional methods.
1 Introduction
Image fusion is widely used in many fields such as remote
sensing, medical imaging, machine vision and military
applications. The purpose of image fusion is to produce a
single image from a set of input images. The fused image is
then more useful for human or machine perception with more
complete information. The simplest fusion algorithm consists
in taking average of the input images, pixel by pixel, to create
the new image. However, this method is not appropriate since
it creates a blurred image where the details are rather reduced.
For this reason, various methods have been developed to
perform better image fusion. A proper algorithm for image
fusion must ensure that all the important visual information
found in input images is transferred into the fused image
without the introduction of any artifacts or inconsistencies,
and also should be reliable and robust to imperfection such as
mis-registration. The standard image fusion techniques, such
as those that use Laplacian pyramid transform [14], intensity-
hue-saturation (IHS) [7, 18], principal component analysis
(PCA) [9, 20], and Brovey transforms [3], often lead to poor
results, in consistent with the ideal output of the fusion.
Alternative pyramid decomposition methods for image fusion,
such as the ratio-of-low-pass pyramid (ROLP) and the
gradient pyramid (GP), are also available. The ROLP pyramid,
which was introduced by Toet [2], is very similar to a
Laplacian pyramid. Instead of using the difference of the
successive Gaussian pyramid levels to form the Laplacian
pyramid, the ratio of the successive low-pass filter images is
generated to form the so called ROLP pyramid. A GP for an
image can be obtained by applying a gradient operator to each
level of the Gaussian pyramid representation. The image can
be completely represented by a set of four such GPs, which
represent horizontal, vertical, and the two diagonal directions
respectively [15]. More recently, the discrete wavelet
transform (DWT) has been popularly used by many authors
[8, 13, 1, 11] to improve the quality of the fused image. For
example, Li et al. [8] proposed a fusion rule based on
maximum absolute value selection with consistency
verification. Santos et al. [11] developed different gradient
based methods with fusion merging purposes. However,
because of an underlying down-sampling process in DWT, its
multiresolution decompositions and consequently the fusion
results are shift variant. This is particularly undesirable when
the source images are with noise or cannot be perfectly
In this paper, a novel image fusion algorithm based on the
RWT is provided. In both the subjective and objective
evaluation, experimental results show that the new algorithm
improves the quality of the fused image, compared with other
conventional approaches.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
gives a brief review on the fundamental theory of the
redundant wavelet transform. The proposed fusion method
based on trous algorithm is described in Section 3. In
Section 4, experimental results are reported to demonstrate
the performance of the proposed method. This paper closes
with concluding remarks in Section 5.
2 Redundant wavelet decomposition
When one is concerned with an analysis problem, redundancy
of information is always helpful. This fact remains true for
image fusion since any fusion rule essentially reduces to a
problem of analyzing the images to fuse and then select the
dominant features that are important in a particular sense. The
popular Mallats algorithm [17] uses an orthonormal basis,
but the transform is not shift-invariant, which can be a
problem in signal analysis, pattern recognition or, as in our
case, image fusion. A redundant representation, which avoids
decimation, has the same number of wavelet coefficients at all
levels. This fundamental property can help to develop fusion
procedures based on the following intuitive idea: when a
c 2008 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
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dominant or significant feature appears at a given level, it
should appear at successive levels as well. In contrast, a non-
significant feature such as the noise does not appear in
successive levels. It thus shows that a dominant feature is tied
to its presence or duplication at successive levels. The
discrete implementation of the RWD can be accomplished by
using the trous (with holes) algorithm, which presents
interesting properties as [10, 5]:
y One can follow the evolution of the wavelet
decomposition from level to level.
y The algorithm produces a single wavelet coefficient
plane at each level of decomposition.
y The wavelet coefficients are computed for each
location allowing a better detection of a dominant
y The algorithm is easily implemented.
We use trous algorithm, which can preserve the edges of
image better, to decompose the image into wavelet planes.
Given an image I , we construct the sequence of
approximations as:
| |
| |
| |
1 2


where F is a low-pass filter, which here has been
implemented by a convolution with a mask [12, 19]: 5 5

1 4 6 4 1
4 16 24 16 4
6 24 36 24 6
4 16 24 16 4
1 4 6 4 1
The wavelet planes are computed as the differences between
two consecutive approximations and . Letting
1 j
J j A A d
j j j
,..., 2 , 1 ;
= =

where is wavelet coefficient of two-dimension (i.e. wavelet
plane) at resolution level . Given , we can write the
reconstruction formula
j I A =
A d I + =
In this representation, the images ( ) are
versions of the original image
A J j , , 1 , 0 =
I at increasing scales
(decreasing resolution levels), ( ) are the
multiresolution wavelet planes, and is a residual image.
The coefficients of each wavelet plane swing around the zero
and its mean value is about zero. The dominant features in the
original image are described by the bigger absolute value of
wavelet coefficients in the wavelet plane. It is easy to find the
corresponding relationship in space-frequency between the
original image and wavelet plane in that all wavelet planes in
the trous algorithm have the same number of pixels as the
original image.
d J j , , 1 , 0 =
3 A new algorithm of image fusion
3.1 Fusion scheme
The overview schematic diagram of our fusion scheme is
shown in Figure 1. We take it as a prerequisite that the input
images must be registered, so that the corresponding pixels
are aligned. The input images X and Y are decomposed by
using the trous algorithm, allowing the representation of
each image by a set of wavelet coefficient planes. Then, the
decision map is generated using a selection rule discussed in
subsection 3.3. Each pixel of the decision map denotes which
image best describes this pixel. Based on the decision map,
we fuse the two images in the wavelet transform domain.
Each wavelet coefficient for the fused image is set to the
wavelet coefficient for one of the source images. The source
image used is determined from the decision map. The final
fused image Z is obtained by taking the inverse redundant
wavelet transform (IRWT).
( ) X d
( ) X d
( ) X d
( ) Y d
( ) Y d
( ) Y d
( ) X A
( ) Y A
( ) Z d
( ) Z d
( ) Z d
( ) Z A
Figure 1: Fusion scheme using the RWT.
3.2 Edge enhanced detail
In the proposed fusion algorithm, the two source images are
firstly decomposed by trous wavelet algorithm. Because
there are not upsampling and downsampling with trous
algorithm, more information can be obtained for fusion,
avoiding losing some important information in source images.
From the wavelet planes we can extract features. The
experimental results show that the sum of the wavelet planes
from each image has already presented the most edge
information. The output of this adding process is an edge
image which we call Edge Enhanced Detail (EED).
According to Equation (4), the EED of image I can be
expressed as:
A I d EED = =
Figure 2 shows an example in which we decompose the test
image to three levels. Figure 2(a) is the test image and Figures
2(b), 2(c), and 2(d) show the wavelet planes of the three
decomposition levels respectively. Figure 2(e) is the
approximation of the test image. Figure 2(f) is the EED of the
test image in which we can find the edges of the dominant
features more clearly.
Figure 2: Test image and its EED. (a) Test image. (b) level1
decomposition . (c) level2 decomposition . (d) level3
decomposition . (e) the residue image . (f) the EED of
the Test image.
3.3 Fusion rules
The quality of the fusion is tied to the particular choice of an
appropriate fusion rule. More generally, this rule is defined as
a comparative criterion to apply between the multiresolution
decomposition coefficients of input images.
The method proposed by Toet [2] is a multiresolution
technique that uses the maximum contrast information in the
ROLP pyramids to determine what features are salient in the
images to be fused. Burt and Kolczynski [15] use a match and
saliency measure, which is based upon the weighted energy in
the detail domain, to decide how the oriented gradient
pyramid will be combined. Li et al. [8] considers the
maximum absolute value within a window as the activity
measure associated with the sample centered in the window.
The maximum selection rule is used to determine which of
the inputs is likely to contain the most useful information.
Santos et al. [11] presented new methods based on the
computation of local and global gradient which takes into
account the grey level difference from point to area in the
decomposed subimages.
In the new approach, we first produce the EED of the two
source images by using trous algorithm. Then we
compare the two source images EED at each location using
the Laplacian operator because the Laplacian concept exploits
the relevant information derived from the grey level variation
in the images, particularly around the edges. At each
location , the Laplacian operator is computed as follows, p L
( ) ( ) ( )
p q
R q
p EED q EED p L ) ( (5)
(a) (b)
where 3 3 = R is the local area surrounding and is a
location in R . Considering more information, we compute
the average value in a region:
p q
( ) ( )
W q
q L
p LA
where is a region of size , are the coefficients
belonging toW and
W n m q
n m n
= is the number of coefficients in
. In this paper the region has the size W 3 3 around ,
9 =
n .
(c) (d)
The significant central coefficient is then selected in the fused
image Z through the following rule:
If ( ) ( ) p LA p LA
( )
( )
J j
p A p A
p d p d
X j Z j
,..., 2 , 1
) (
) (
, ,
, ,

( )
( )
J j
p A p A
p d p d
Y j Z j
,..., 2 , 1
) (
) (
, ,
, ,

(e) (f)
In our implementation we take the maximum absolute value
of the average as an activity measure. In this way a high
activity indicates the presence of a dominant feature in the
local area. The decision map is then produced with the same
size as the EED, which is also the same size as the source
image. Each pixel in the decision map corresponds to a set of
wavelet coefficients of all decomposition levels. Once the
decision map is determined, the mapping is determined for all
the wavelet coefficients. In this way, we can ensure that all
the corresponding samples are fused the same way and
significant image features tend to be stable with respect to
variations in scale. These features tend to have a nonzero
lifetime in scale space [21]. Thus a binary decision map is
created to record the selection results based on the maximum
selection rule. This map is subject to consistency verification
(CV). Li et al. [8] applied CV using a majority filter.
Specifically if the centre composite coefficient comes from
image while the majority of the surrounding coefficients
come from image , the centre sample is then changed to
come from image .
The steps of the new proposed method are illustrated in
Figure 3.
(1) Decompose the source images X and Y by trous
algorithm at resolution level 5;
(2) Extract features from the wavelet planes to form the
(3) Compare the activity between the two edge images
and apply the selection rule to reconstruct the
composite wavelet coefficients;
(4) Perform the IRWT to obtain the fused image.
Figure 3: Schematic diagram for the image fusion.
4 Experimental results
The proposed approach has been tested on various image sets.
Here, we use one of them to demonstrate the performance of
the proposed method. Similar results can be observed for
other images.
As shown in Figure 4, (a) and (b) are a pair of multi-focus test
images. In one image, the focus is on the left. In the other
image, the focus is on the right. According to Equation (6),
the results calculated from the EED of Figures 4(a) and 4(b)
are displayed in Figures 4(c) and 4(d) respectively.
Afterwards, we use the distinct features or activities with
different focuses shown in Figures 4(c) and 4(d) as
benchmarks to which the selection rule is applied. Then a
binary decision map is produced corresponding to the
outcome of the proposed selection rule. Figure 4(e) is the
binary decision map which displays how the new wavelet
coefficients are generated from the two input sources. The
bright pixels indicate that coefficients from the image in 4(a)
are selected, while the black pixels indicate that coefficients
from the image in 4(b) are selected. Finally the fused image
obtained by our method is shown in Figure 4(f).
The test images, Figures 4(a) and 4(b), are also fused with the
other four different methods to be compared with. Figures
5(a), 5(b), 5(c) and 5(d) are the fused results using the
methods of reference [2], [15], [8] and [11] respectively.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Original images and fused images with different
method. (a) focus on the right. (b) focus on the left. (c) the
result from (a) according to Eq. (6). (d) the result from (b)
according to Eq. (6). (e) the binary decision map. (f) the fused
(e) (f)
We can find from Figure 5(a) that more blurring around the
edges of objects appear and Figure 5(b) is not smooth enough
which appears less local continuity, while the other three
methods including ours have a better visual effect. Also we
notice that Figures 5(c) and 5(d) have some artifacts around
the clocks edge probably generated by the shift variance of
the DWT method which could enlarge a small spatial
misalignment between the source images. However, our
method provides some improvement and performs best,
producing image with smooth edge and without obvious
artifacts. So the proposed fusion method is more effective in
image fusion and the fused image is more suitable for human
visual or machine perception.
In addition to evaluate the performance under the visual
judgment or a subjective criterion, objective performance
evaluations were also conducted using the following indexes:
Image Definition (ID)
Image definition means grads, which can reflect image tiny
detailed difference and texture change. For an
N M image I , with the gray value at pixel position ( ) j i,
denoted by , its ID is defined as [4]: ( j i I , )
= =


+ |

j i I
j i I
1 1
2 1
) , ( ) , ( 1
where ( ) x j i I c c , and ( ) y j i I c c , are one-order differential of
pixel ( in ) j i, x and direction respectively. The larger the ID
is, the more detailed information and more localized features
are obtained in the fused result.
y (a)
Mutual Information (MI)
MI is a basic concept from information theory, measuring
the statistical dependence between two random variables or
the amount of information that one variable contains about
the other. Mutual information is given by [16]:
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
= =
log , ,
i j Y X
j p i p
j i p
j i p j i I (8)
where and are the probability density function in the
individual images and is the joint probability density
function. According to Equation (8), if we note
X , Y and Z as
the source images and fused image respectively, image fusion
performance is measured by the size of
I I MI + = (9)
where a larger measure implies better image quality.
Correlation Coefficient (CC)
CC is often used as a standard measure to evaluate the
spectral resemblance between the new and initial images [6]
and it is described as:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) |
( ) ( ) | | ( ) ( ) |
_ _

j i
j i
j i
g f
j i g j i f
j i g j i f
g f CC
, ,
, ,
) , (

where and state for fusion image and source
image respectively,
( j i f , ) ( ) j i g ,
state for the mean value of the
corresponding data set.
Method ID MI
Fig4(a) Fig4(b)
Ref [2] 3.66 1.81 0.9446 0.9661
Ref [15] 5.74 0.99 0.8532 0.8785
Ref [8] 5.81 2.16 0.9375 0.9862
Ref [11] 5.80 2.18 0.9374 0.9863
Ours 5.83 2.46 0.9478 0.9905
Table 1: Evaluation of five fusion algorithms
The statistical results of the five different fusion methods are
shown in Table 1. Comparing and analyzing the performance
statistical values of different fusion results in Table 1, we find
that the ID, MI and CC by using the proposed method have
been improved compared to the other methods. By combining
the visual inspection results and the quantitative results, it can
be concluded that the proposed fusion method is more
Figure 5: The fused results with the different methods. (a) Ref
[2] method. (b) Ref [15] method. (c) Ref [8] method. (d) Ref
[11] method.
(c) (d)
5 Conclusions
In this paper we have presented a new fusion method based
on the redundant wavelet transform which combines the
traditional pixel-level fusion with some aspects of feature-
level fusion. We employ feature extraction separately on each
image and then perform the fusion based on the feature of
edge information representing salience or activity, to guide
the fusion process. Since edges of objects and parts of objects
carry information of interests, it is reasonable to focus them in
the fusion algorithm. The visual and statistical analyses of the
different fusion results prove that the proposed method
reaches our expectation to improve the fusion quality. And
the experiment results demonstrate that this method
outperforms the other mentioned fusion approaches by
providing better objective and subjective results.
Moreover, a lot of experiments indicate that the proposed
approach has a good generality which works well in cases
when the images either come from the same or different types
of sensors, and extensions to more than two images can be
developed in a similar way.
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