
Whiskey Hound Studios is a humble little studio owned and operated by Wesley Jensen, formerly in the quaint Redding CA, to the big skies of Denton TX, and all the way to picture perfect New England. This is where he writes, records, and produces his projects, but also where the band meets for rehearsals and often just to mess around in any way they can think of. Jensen has recorded a number of records here including most of his own. The studio is rarely open to the public, but he encourages interested parties to Contact him anyway and check availability.  

A Video

This is a retro live video of the track, "Of Life, Of Love, Of Tears", shot in the old Whiskey Hound warehouse in CA.

The Latest

Current Projects: Rodeo Parade / Wesley Jensen / PARACHUTER

Latest Releases: Rodeo Parade - Wesley Jensen: β€œI Saw it in a Film Once” - PARACHUTER: singles - Gringo: "The Shores"