
The steamer "Storskär" proudle heading for the archipelago of Stockholm.

Light houses


Kuggviksskär at the entrance of Arkösund.
Winter 2017

Lighthouse of När, Gotland

A lighthouse on the east coast of the island Gotland in the Sea of Baltic.


Jungfrusalen (The Ballroom for the Virgins) at the archipelago of S:t Anna, the east coast of Sweden

I'm an "optimistic amateur" and a Canon freak since many years. My first camera was the FX.
Today the tools are 5D MkIV, 14/2.8, 28/1.8, 50/1.4, 100/2.0, 200/2.8 and 400/5.6

In case of hard copies I normally use HahnemÜhle fine art papers like "William Turner" etc. printed by a PRO-1000.
Some pictures have also been printed on hand-made cotton-paper as well as Japanese washi paper.

If somebody would like to discuss my photos, please, use my mail-adress or call me on +46 705 64 82 12
Also, if somebody would like to get a copy of a photo, please contact me.
So far all pictures have been processed for hard copies and it is difficult to demonstrate the result on a screen. The impression on a paper is different than on the WEB

The pacific steam engine F1200, built 1914, heading for Stockholm - 104 years later.

This engine was involved in the worst train-accident of Sweden, 1918, repaired and made the job until 1937. This year all Swedish mainlines were electrified and the engine was sent to Denmark. 1963 it returned to Sweden to stay at museum.

Some pictures colleced around the Swedish coast

Poor navigation

The experienced makes no misstakes - it is said. Experiances are given by
This was learned by the skipper of Swiks, a schooner heading for Åland Christmas 1926.
In a snowstorm he tried to escape in a lee for the wind at the island of Öland. He didn't reach safe.

Heavy weather is loading up!
Note the tiny boats beneath the thunderclouds

The island Lilla Karlsö seen from Gotland

"Line up for a race"
 Start of a world champion race with ice yachts on the lake Glan

  • Nora - our latest grand daughter
  • The light house of Östergarns holme
  • Swans crossing the lake Tåkern
  • Cranes at Horborgarsjön
  • The roller coaster "Wild fire"
  • Our grand daugher Hilma's first public performance
  • Steam engine, type Sa, idle at Nässjö
    Steam engine, type Sa, idle at Nässjö
  • Ruin of the church S:t Karin, Visby
  • Dancing wipers
  • Main line southbound from Stockholm

My wife and what she is doing
