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How to hire the best local Pest Control Service near you?

From ants and termites to spiders, mice and even possums, Australian homes are prone to pest infestations. So when you need to eradicate pests from your property, it’s important to call in a professional. Here’s what you can expect from a pest controller on hipages.

What does a pest controller do?

Pest controllers are responsible for the management and elimination of pests that can harm humans, pets, livestock and property. In Australia, the most common pests are generally ants, termites, cockroaches, rodents (e.g. mice and rats) and spiders.

Using a variety of methods to control and remove these infestations, pest controllers will make use of traps, baits, chemicals and other tools. They can also provide advice on how you can prevent future infestations, as well as implement effective pest control measures in your home or business.

What are the most common pests inside the home?

  • Termites: Also known as white ants, termites can enter homes through hairline cracks in concrete slabs, cavity walls, and areas near plumbing and electrical conduits. They can also enter through the soil. If your home has a chemical barrier around it through the soil to deter termites, the soil will need to be re-treated every five to ten years. For more, see termite pest control.

  • Rodents: Rats and mice can create a serious health hazard in your property, as they carry lice, fleas and diseases. They can also cause considerable damage to buildings by chewing electrical wiring and other structures. For more, see rodent control.

  • Cockroaches: Like rodents, cockroaches can carry diseases such as the polio virus and they may cause problems for allergy sufferers. They tend to thrive in warm, humid conditions and can quickly infest a home. For more, see cockroaches pest control.

  • Fleas: These common household pests feed on warm-blooded animals and humans. They often enter the home via a pet and will lay eggs in your carpet. For more, see flea pest control.

  • Bed bugs: Wingless parasites that tend to build their homes in bedding and furniture, bed bugs feed on human blood and are often brought into the home via clothing, luggage or pets. Bed-bug bites look like irritated welts and can cause an allergic reaction in some people. For more, see bed bugs pest control.

  • Silverfish: These are small, flat insects that reside in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. While they don’t pose a health hazard, they can cause significant damage, feeding on paper, wallpaper and clothing. For more, see silverfish control.

  • Ants: Ants are a highly invasive pest found within many Australian homes. They tend to infest kitchens, feeding on scraps of food, and nest under paving, in roofing and in walls. For more, see ants pest control

What are the most common pests outside the home?

  • Wasps: An aggressive pest with a painful and potentially harmful sting, a wasp’s venom can cause severe allergic reactions in some people and to pets. Wasps tend to build nests around the home in wall cavities and wood piles. They can also build nests underground. For more, see wasp removal.

  • Spiders: These common household pests are attracted to buildings where food and refuge is in abundance. They tend to build webs around the home or garden, and while many species are harmless, some spiders – such as the red-back and funnel-web spiders – are potentially dangerous. For more, see spider control.

  • Snakes: Depending on where you live around Australia, snakes can be found around the home. Although they will usually avoid contact with humans, some species can be very dangerous. Native snakes are protected, so if you come across a snake on your property, contact a pest-control expert to catch and release it in a safe area. For more, see snake removal.

  • Rabbits: A very common pest in rural areas, rabbits can cause widespread damage to gardens, crops and vegetable patches. They breed at an exceptionally fast rate and tend to burrow extensively, resulting in soil erosion. For more, see rabbit control.

  • Possums: Possums tend to reside in ceilings, chimneys and building eaves, causing noise and structural damage to your home and garden. If they take up residence in your roof, their droppings can stain the ceiling. For more, see possum pest control.

  • Birds: Some birds can be a nuisance around your home, especially during breeding time when they search for a suitable nesting site. They tend to nest in roofs and guttering, making considerable noise and defacing the property with droppings. Birds can also carry lice and diseases, and as such can cause health problems in humans. For more, see bird control.

How do pest controllers treat the problem?

Pest controllers in Australia may use pesticides that are sprayed both inside and outside the home. This surface treatment should last for around a year before reapplication is required. Ideally, your pest-control professional will use pesticides with the lowest amount of toxicity required for the job.

Depending on the pest, they may also install insect traps, such as mosquito or fly traps, as a preventative measure. When a pest control treatment is applied, in most cases (90%) you will not need to leave the home. However, animals should be kept off treated surfaces for at least 30 minutes, or until the surfaces are completely dry.

How much does a pest controller cost?

You can expect to pay in the region of $35 to $65 per hour for pest control services. The size of your property and the type of pest you have will ultimately determine the final cost. However, Rapid Pest Control Melbourne suggests basic cockroach treatment can cost between $150 to $330, whereas a rat exterminator will cost between $165 and $440.

You should ask your pest controller for a flat-fee quote after providing them with an approximate size of your home and the type of pest you want to be eliminated.

What to ask when hiring a local pest control service

When choosing your preferred local pest controller, there are some important considerations to make and therefore you should ask them some important questions, including:

  • Are you fully licensed and do you carry the appropriate insurances?

  • Do you have a licence to use pesticides?

  • Do you use non-toxic or low-toxic treatments wherever possible?

  • For a termite inspection and treatment plans, will you stay compliant with Australian Standard AS 3660? (This standard relates to termite treatment and says that a full inspection must be carried out before any treatment begins).

  • Can you provide a written quote before any work is done?

  • What warranty can you provide and what will it cover?

Costs and prices in this article are indicative and should only be used as a guide. They also vary locally and are subject to market forces.

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