Royal Motors in the Community

No Business is an island, especially not one well into it's seventh decade of service in San Francisco.  We take pride in the face that we give back to organizations such as UCSF Children's Hospital, Glide Memorial Church, Academy of Friends and OneXone.  We often have artwork on display from the kids at UCSF that we later put up for auction to raise money for the hospital.  We also hold an annual winter benefit right at the dealership, and we offer complimentary vehicles for selected community events.  We believe that a business cannot truly be part of a community unless it gives back, and at Royal Motors that continues to be one of our core values.    

 Royal Motors in the Community

No Business is an island, especially not one well into it's seventh decade of service in San Francisco.  We take pride in the face that we give back to organizations such as UCSF Children's Hospital, Glide Memorial Church, Academy of Friends and OneXone.  We often have artwork on display from the kids at UCSF that we later put up for auction to raise money for the hospital.  We also hold an annual winter benefit right at the dealership, and we offer complimentary vehicles for selected community events.  We believe that a business cannot truly be part of a community unless it gives back, an at Royal Motors that continues to be one of our core values.        



Royal Motor Sales supports our local community:

Royal Motor Sales "Art with a Heart" a Benefit Art Sale & Auction


Royal Motor Sales donates school supplies to help students
UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

Royal Motor Sales is a proud sponsor of the Snuggly Soiree to benefit UCSF Children's hospital,
Glogau Teddy Bear Rescue Fund

Royal donates $5,000 to the Haiti Relief and Development Fund

 Royal donates 100 turkeys to Glide Memorial Church for the holidays.

   Royal Motor Sales proudly supports Academy of Friends


The children at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital turned our boring VW van into a work of art! Check out the pictures below.

UCSF Back to School Royal Motors Event: