
lilatovcocktail asked: Hey. I'm a big fan of Bookmark Button Startpage and was trying to download it today from the Chrome website. I keep getting a server error -- is the Chrome extension still available?

Hi there, the startpage isn’t listed in the Crome webstore search anymore, but you can still get there via this link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bookmark-buttons-startpag/genmiebglliamphdcfeakonfebajldkj


League of Legends: Jungling timer script

I’ve been playing League of Legends for some time now and recently got into what is called Jungling. One aspect of jungling is keeping track of respawn times, which can be troublesome when you’re amids epic battles. So a few weeks ago I created my personal jungle timer AutoHotKey script which helps me do just that.

The script is now open source and can be used by anyone and downloaded through its github repository at https://github.com/klovadis/Jungle-Timer. Enjoy!


Redis Lua scripting: Four scripts to help you deal with hashes and tables

Over the past month I’ve been learning a lot about Lua scripting on a Redis server. While scripting is great, there are a few things which are a bit painfull on the interaction layer between Redis and Lua. One of those things are tables and bulk replies. With the following post I will provide you with four functions that deal with Redis bulk replies and Lua tables/dictionaries.

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This article has a nice overview of general logging rules and practices, definitely worth a read.


In this opinion piece, Troy Topnik elaborates on why node.js as a platform became successful whilst other server-side JavaScript implementations rarely took off.


Introduction to the node.js EventEmitter

When you start learning node.js you soon stumble upon something called EventEmitter. The following post covers how the built-in EventEmitter works, how you can use and why it is so useful.

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Extract newline seperated messages from a stream

In node.js, you are often confronted with streams that you may want to send and recieve data over. The following post provides and explains a small helper function that allows you to extract newline-separated messages from a node.js stream.

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Callback conventions in node.js, how and why

When first confronted with node.js, you are not only presented with a completely new programming environment. You also encounter what is often referred to as callback hell accompanied by weird unfamiliar programming patterns. One of these is the way node treats callback functions.

The following post explains the conventions that node.js uses for its callback patterns (referred to as Continuation-passing style) and how you should implement them in order to comply.

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Register all routes in a folder for your express server

Given the following problem: You have an express based webserver and you have stored all your routes in seperate files in one folder, perhaps even organized into several subfolders. You now want an easy way to apply all routes with as little effort as possible..

Meet node-walker: This little module let’s you crawl a subfolder and perform a callback on each filename that it encounters, including files in subdirectories.

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Use node-walker to recursively walk over a directory and all its files. You can then iterate over all filenames to i.e. require them all one after the other. Can be installed through npm as well: npm install node-walker

Tags: node.js npm