Tutoring on algebra.com

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Algebra.Com has a unique tutoring system where free tutors provide free help to students who ask math questions. Click here if you are a student. If you are a math tutor, want to help children or advertise your services, read on! Our tutors answer way over a half of all problem asked (see statistics).

As of right now, we have 2630 active tutors, and 750653 problems solved.
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 Apr 17: Algebra.Com under attack
On 4/17/19 Algebra.Com was under cyber attack, whereby someone dumped a lot of trash content into the question and answer area. I had to restore from backup from last night.
 May 18: You can write functions like "sine squared" in solutions
You can now plot functions like "sine squared", for example

 May 15: I quit my job to do algebra.com FULL TIME.
I quit my day job, in order to work on algebra.com full time. My mission is to make homework more fun and educational, and to help people teach others for free.
 May 15: Password reset for absent minded professors...
I added a function to reset a forgotten password. It asks you for the registered email address, and resets a password if you prove that you own the email address.

Quick links:

Algebra.Com offers you a unique opportunity to be helpful to children seeking math help, and at the same time to promote yourself and advertise your tutoring business. Here's how it works. You create a FREE account on algebra.com, where you would have a username, your picture if you want, and enter a link to your site.

Students ask questions in the FAQ section of my algebra modules. Every module has such a FAQ section. You would answer students' questions. See Quadratic Equation module for an example of such FAQ section.

After registering, you can visit a section with unanswered questions and answer them. Your name, link to your site, and your picture will be displayed next to your answer. I am planning to implement a score system, sort of like feedback system on ebay, where the tutors with the highest number of correctly solved problems will have the highest score.

It is an absolute REQUIREMENT that you MUST SHOW ALL WORK. Showing work is the best way to demonstrate your competence. Solutions without sufficient work shown are worthless.

See our site stats to see what kind of visibility you will get. No matter what your goal is -- self advertising or helping children understand math -- your effort will not be in vain.

You can also enter formulas like this: %28-2%2B-+sqrt%284%5E2-4%2A2%2A3%29%29%2F%282%2A5%29 quite easily. You can accomplish that by typing {{{(-2+- sqrt(4^2-4*2*3))/(2*5)}}} in your answer. You can also create graphs: graph%28+150%2C+100%2C+-5%2C+5%2C+-10%2C+10%2C+x%5E2-2x%2B1%2C+3-x+%29 by typing {{{ graph( 150, 100, -5, 5, -10, 10, x^2-2x+1, 3-x ) }}} in your answer.

More than one tutor can enter an answer to a problem. All your solutions will count towards your score, but beware of duplication. Plagiarism and sloppiness will not be tolerated. Add your answer only if you feel you have something non trivial to add. I am not going to be super strict, my main goal is to make this a useful and helpful website, not to be a control freak.

Copyright to your solutions belongs to this site, however, they will be publicly displayed and users will not be charged fees. Your help is purely a public service.

Problem Solving statistics (updated nightly)

Last 1 days: 11 solved, 4 unsolved, 73% solved.
Last 3 days: 31 solved, 5 unsolved, 86% solved.
Last 7 days: 66 solved, 7 unsolved, 90% solved.
Last 10 days: 106 solved, 7 unsolved, 93% solved.
Last 30 days: 373 solved, 15 unsolved, 96% solved.
Last 90 days: 1258 solved, 22 unsolved, 98% solved.