
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9344222
AED 3.66929 JPY 155.275
ARS 873.255 KRW 1377.34
AUD 1.53839 MAD 10.1416
BRL 5.1455 MXN 17.0558
CAD 1.37005 NOK 10.9848
CHF 0.914477 NZD 1.68453
CNY 7.10675 PHP 57.7875
CZK 23.5788 PLN 4.04894
DKK 6.96876 RUB 92.2754
EUR 0.934422 SEK 10.8782
GBP 0.802346 SGD 1.36177
HKD 7.82592 THB 37.0741
HUF 367.906 TRY 32.5936
ILS 3.77418 USD 1
INR 83.3374 ZAR 19.2104
BHD 0.376385 MYR 4.76966
BOB 6.90164 NAD 19.1516
CLP 953.494 NGN 1254.36
COP 3900.09 NPR 133.136
DOP 58.6719 OMR 0.384496
EGP 47.9153 PAB 0.99871
IDR 16233.1 PEN 3.70374
IRR 42075.1 PKR 278.238
ISK 140.355 RON 4.64959
JMD 155.572 SAR 3.74512
JOD 0.707918 TWD 32.6549
KES 132.329 UAH 39.4862
KWD 0.30792 UYU 38.3648
LBP 89437.7 VES 36.3609
LKR 298.447 VND 25430.7
AWG 1.80125 MGA 4407.17
BAM 1.82754 MKD 57.509
BBD 2.01658 MUR 46.4314
BDT 109.608 MVR 15.4402
BGN 1.82754 PYG 7419.31
BMD 1.00178 QAR 3.6427
BSD 0.99871 RSD 109.482
BWP 13.8516 SCR 13.6024
FJD 2.29354 TND 3.13527
GHS 13.4828 TTD 6.77643
GMD 67.9353 UGX 3807.77
GTQ 7.77587 XAF 612.941
KHR 4056.33 XCD 2.7004
LAK 21311.4 XOF 612.962
MDL 17.8004 XPF 111.96
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  6. Mexican Peso - MXN
  7. Japanese Yen - JPY
  8. Swiss Franc - CHF
  9. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY