background circle 17+ Years Experience

An Online Marketing Agency That Helps You Grow Confidently

Our award-winning online marketing agency is certified by companies like Google, and we have dozens of 5-star reviews on Clutch and G2, highlighting our history of repeated, sustained success for our digital marketing clients. For B2B, SaaS, Healthcare, Manufacturing, E-Commerce, Higher Education, and many other industries, your digital presence is the first impression a customer will receive. Let our results-driven online marketing agency help you ensure that it’s a memorable one.

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Digital Marketing Services | Meeting with a client
Top 3% Premier Google Partner
Google Premier Partner 2024

Our Digital Marketing Services

Feel like you don’t know who to trust when it comes to finding an online marketing firm? Tired of settling for an online marketing agency that has good intentions, but consistently comes up short when it comes to hitting your goals?

When you choose DOM as your digital marketing services partner, we customize our scope, analysis, and pricing options to accomplish one objective: achieving your growth goals. Engagements are tailored to your specific needs and goals and aligned on key metrics that drive profit and revenue.

Transparent. And Won’t Be Out Communicated.

A lot of businesses say they provide a “difference” to their peers. But let’s face it, our industry is filled with snake oil, as well as agencies that have good intentions, but can’t deliver results.

No matter where you are in the world, when you work together with us to accomplish your digital marketing goals, your account team will be led by an experienced, dedicated team, based out of Pittsburgh, PA and Wheeling, WV.

Partner With Us
Client Success Manager Oversees project management and communication Digital Marketing Strategist With 5+ years experience delivering results DigitalAnalyst Informs you on what’s working (and what’s not) with your efforts ContentSpecialist Creates the style of voice that will resonate best with your audience Account Managers Certified specialists who create your results Designers Graphic artists who grab your audience’s attention Developers Experts who know how users interact online
1 Initial Conversation

High-level introduction to answer questions and explore partnership potential.

2 Defining Objectives

Sharing your specific goals and objectives so we can customize our analysis

3 Review Findings

Presenting our audit findings and highlighting growth opportunities

4 Evaluate Options

Walk through customized scope and pricing options that give you flexibility

5 Proposal Review

Review a formal proposal based on your option selection

6 Partner Together

Let's kick off!

7 Not A Good Fit?

If at any point either of us feels like this isn't a good fit, then we part ways.

background circle Online Marketing Services | Client Services meeting Digital Marketing Services | Team Meeting
Digital Marketing Evaluation | Evaluation icon

Are We A Fit To Work Together?

Since 2006, our digital marketing agency has helped companies in nearly every industry and on every populated continent grow confidently online. We’ve also learned that every business has unique goals and objectives.

Why do we break the digital marketing process up into 7 stages? We invest the time upfront to ensure the highest likelihood of success for your campaigns. That way, you only invest your time when it makes sense for you.

Some of the other benefits your company will enjoy from working with our digital marketing agency include:

We believe your online marketing firm should work harder for you... and we're willing to prove it each and every month. While most digital marketing campaigns require several months to achieve optimal performance, we don't lock our clients into long-term agreements.

Your digital marketing campaigns will be led by an experienced, dedicated team with a Client Success Manager, Strategist, Analyst, Content Specialist, and a mix of account managers, designers, and developers catered to your needs. From "concept" to "contract," our online marketing agency has the service offerings and experienced staff to help you achieve your goals.

Following a kickoff call where we introduce you to the entire team working to help you exceed your digital marketing goals, we build a 90-day strategic plan with all the activities necessary for success. This plan details most of the background information you provide us prior to coming onboard, in addition to timelines for deliverables in the first month and beyond. We are pleased to share this digital marketing plan with you, and are happy to align with your project management software so you have full insight into our actions in order to track progress. When we say we’re with you every step of the way, we mean it.

We don't ever want to put our team in the position of making a recommendation unless we 100% believe it's in your best interest. When the pricing for digital marketing services is directly tied to how much you invest in advertising, we find it to be detrimental to your results in two ways:

  1. One side of the partnership always gets hurt. Large budgets mean the agency makes more without necessarily doing any more work or bringing more to the table. With small budgets, it can be difficult to complete all the work required to be successful for your campaigns while still being profitable.
  2. Incentives are misaligned, as the agency can become motivated to recommend you spend more as it makes more money that way.

This is a perk of our digital marketing agency's status as one of Google's Top 200 Premier Partners in their Managed Agency Program. When you trust us to grow your business using Google digital advertising tools, you can get access to exclusive additional Google support and exclusive beta opportunities before they are released to the standard platform, to gain an advantage over your direct competition!

As G2's top-rated provider of marketing analytics services, we would not be providing your digital marketing campaigns with the best solutions possible if we didn't provide you with helpful reporting and analysis. We share progress with you and provide reports weekly that are tailored to your needs and goals.

With You Every Step Of The Way

Following a kickoff meeting with our online marketing firm where you meet everyone involved in your campaign, we find the best results come from building partnerships with:

  • Trust
  • Transparency
  • Over communication
  • Collaboration

You’ll receive weekly updates and reporting to be discussed on calls on a schedule you set. We’ll get the feedback and next steps we need to keep your online marketing campaigns on a growth-focused pace that matches your business goals.

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Google Analytics Experts | Data Analyst Meeting background blue circle background orange circle background orange circle
Weekly Analytics Reports | Weekly Reports on Web Traffic

We Are A Top 3% Google Premier Partner

Our digital marketing agency is a top 3% Premier Google Partner. What does this mean for your business? We can apply numerous benefits directly to your internet marketing campaigns, including:

  • Strategic account planning
  • Early access to new features
  • Issue resolution escalation
  • Participation in beta opportunities
  • Competitive set benchmarking
  • Industry trends data

Our digital marketing agency is also certified by HubSpot, Microsoft, and Semrush with dozens of 5-star reviews on Clutch, G2, and Google. You won’t find many firms like ours with the certifications we have to help you grow confidently online.

Let's Achieve Your Goals right arrow
Digital Marketing Strategy Consulting | Top 3% Google Premier Partner background blue circle background orange circle background orange circle
Top 3% Premier Google Partner
Highly-Rated Clutch Marketing Agency | Clutch Reviews 5 Stars
Google Premier Partner 2024

Clients We've Helped Grow

Rapid Results

“They’ve continually impressed me with rapid results and I continue to learn with every interaction with everyone at the company.”

Digital Marketing with Fast Results | Testimonial Headshot
Doug Ribback Global Demand Gen Leader star rating
DOM Is The Best

“I like the outstanding responsiveness, I love the way they customize reports in a way that I can understand, and I am always amazed by their creativity.”

Best Online Marketing Agency | Testimonial Headshot
Liz Jazwiec Keynote Speaker & Author star rating

Our Results