
Added a video player to the downloads page. Also fixed image pages to black background

My Todo app has grown a bit and is now on version 0.7

Added a new Todo utility to the downloads page.

Fixed the Stuff page. I added a little baddie there, so be sure to check it out!

The first screenshot of Phantom Gate is finally up. Go to the projects page of Phantom Gate to look.

Added a small BMI calculator to the downloads page.

Welcome to Codeman.se!

Codeman is an independent programmer from Sweden. The main focus is on games development, but also
some small applications pops up every now and then.

Combat Crazy - The Phantom Gate, a horror / adventure shooter I'm currently working on.

Read more about it on the Projects pages!

Codeman Todo v0.7

This is a new project I've started working on. You can download an early version on the downloads page.

Basically it's a program for game developers to keep track of all the things to do and all the files to create. It's possible to use it in other ways too, though.


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Contact Webmaster : webmaster@codeman.se
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