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24 apr 08:30 - 18:30 Risk Forum

Risk Forum 2024 – Väntelista

På denna sida finns det möjlighet att ställa sig i väntelistan för Risk Forum 2024.

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  • På denna sida finns det möjlighet att ställa sig i väntelistan för Risk Forum 2024.

  • Fullbokad!

    Risk Forum 2024 med temat Navigating Tomorrow’s Frontiers: Geopolitical Risks in the Age of AI bjuder in för att utbilda och diskutera det senaste inom risk management och hur det påverkar branschen. Konferensen kommer att hållas på Hotel Birger Jarl och det centrala temat för detta år kommer att vara AI och det geopolitiska läget och dess påverkan på branschen, både finansiellt och riskmässigt. Vi kommer att beröra en mängd olika ämnen relaterade till detta tema och ge deltagarna möjligheten att få en djupare förståelse för vad som påverkar deras arbete.

  • Välkommen till en exklusiv utbildning i DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act), endast för dig som är medlem i Swerma. Under två utbildningstillfällen kommer experter från Advisense att guida dig genom regelverket och dess konsekvenser för captivebranschen


    Generali Global Corporate and Commercial is part of the Generali Group and is one of the most significant participants in the global insurance financial products market. The Group’s Parent Company, Assicurazioni Generali was founded in 1831 in Trieste.  Generali GC&C offers insurance and service solutions to medium-large companies and brokers in over 180 countries, with a total premium income over €3 billion in 2023. The division’s global network of over 1,000 dedicated professionals and 100+ risk control engineers offer integrated and personalised solutions in property, casualty, engineering, marine, aviation, financial lines, cyber and parametric risks.

    Parametric insurance is a growing field: in 2020 there were 54 identified companies working in parametrics, in 2023 there are over 150 identified in the same space. Especially within the corporate insurance market, which makes up 85% of parametric premiums (InsTech report, 2022).

    As the appetite for parametric insurance increases, the creativity in building new products to insure perils and risks that were deemed uninsurable is unapparelled. Hail and Tornado models are in development and use for pricing, changing  river heights, and ocean wave height products are live in the market, and many well-known perils such as excess rain and earthquake, are the new backbone of supply chain disruption and event cancellation.

    In the Nordics, where forestry, metals and engineering, energy, tourism, hospitality, and agriculture/farming are key industries, they are also some that will notice the changing hazard landscape the most. Dominated by climate change, but related to other factors such as inflation and economics, the indemnity insurance market is not able to keep up with the rapid change of pace. Which is where parametric insurance lends itself as the ideal product when searching for a deductible cover, NDBI protection, coverage gap filled, or complimentary coverage for standalone nat cat coverages.

    The event will be held in English.

    Breakfast 08:30
    Presentation 09:00 – 10:30




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