You’ve been patiently waiting – and now its finally here!

American Horse Council Foundation Economic Impact Study 2023

The findings of the highly-anticipated 2023 Equine Economic Impact Survey have been officially released by the American Horse Council (AHC). The results shed light on the significant and robust contributions of the equine industry to the U.S. economy. The survey offers a comprehensive overview of the economic impact and trends within the equine sector and highlights how it reaches far beyond the pastures and ranch land across the country.

Learn some key highlights of the survey and purchase a copy by clicking the button below.

2023 National Economic Impact Study APPENDIX

The American Horse Council Foundation is pleased for the first time to offer this technical appendix and consumer data report as part of the National Economic Impact Study. This report includes:

  • Detailed tables from our initial analysis that were not included in the National Economic Study
  • Responses to questions contained in the AHC Economic Impact Study “Horse Owner Survey” but were not data points needed for the Economic Analysis. Nonetheless, these provide great insights into trends and consumer purchasing decisions.
  • Other tables related to independent surveys we did concerning equine academia and equine welfare organizations.

Download an Infographic the EIS study highlights below.

American Horse Council Outlines Priorities for 2023 Farm Bill

The American Horse Council is committed to protecting the health and welfare of the U.S. equine population. We provide the following information in support of our funding requests to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Note most of these programs are not equine exclusive, nor does the current budgetary process identify outlays specific to equines. For example, the USDA Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2023 only mentions horses/equines in two-line items. Neither line item offers a discrete funding amount for horses. Accountability and transparency for equine health and welfare programs should be adopted. We urge the Committee to direct the USDA to implement a process by which equine-related appropriations are listed as budgetary line items.


The American Horse Council works daily to advocate for the social, economic
and legislative interests of the United States equine industry.


Health & Welfare

Advocate for the health and well-being of horses by serving as a forum for discussion on welfare issues and sharing best practices.



Be a trusted voice for the horse industry to the public and to government authorities. Synthesize and promote consensus-based AHC



Serve as a resource on programs and initiatives that will advance and enhance the equine industry.


As the national association representing all segments of the horse industry in Washington, DC, the
American Horse Council works daily to represent your equine interests and opportunities.

Contagious Equine Metritis
American Horse Council Internships
American Horse Council and Equine Welfare Data Collective Data Palooza
American Horse Council Foundation Economic Impact Study 2023
Horseback riding on the trail
United States Capitol building at sunset.
A woman kissing a horse. National Day of the Horse
Portrait photo of Julie Broadway, president of the American Horse Council.
Horses lined up in a barn.
Picture of a pony and small child. Child looks excited to ride. Holiday gift-giving and tax deduction tips.
Yvette Cardozo Tucson Ranch people riding horses