
Trusted by Schools Nationwide

A free, no-obligation, guided demonstration is available for each of our software solutions.

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(091) 556 755

(9am - 5pm, Mon.-Fri.)

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NS Admin

Administrative System for Primary-Level Schools

  • Runs Online (data stored in the cloud) or Offline (data stored in the school)
  • Stores details of Pupils, Teaching staff, other staff, and Contacts
  • Can communicate with Guardians, Staff, and Contacts via email, SMS and letters
  • Synchronises with the Primary Online Database (POD)
  • Is compliant with the Electronic Roll, stores details of attendance and reasons for absences and generates reports as required by TUSLA and the Department of Education and Skills
  • Records, analyses and graphs standardised test scores and tracks pupils' progression from year to year
  • Records details of over 20 other tests commonly used in schools (NRIT, MIST, BIAP, etc.)
  • Stores details of extra support received (early intervention, language support, learning support and resource)
  • Provides 25 standard end-of-year report templates that can be customised or used as is
  • Allows attachments and notes (re. behaviour, punctuality, general issues) to be saved for pupils

School Library

Cataloging and Administration System for School Libraries

  • Is so user-friendly that it can be administered by pupils themselves
  • Stores details of all library resources (books, DVDs, videos, etc.)
  • Works with or without a barcode scanner
  • Allows pupils to borrow and/or reserve resources
  • Generates borrowing histories, overdue reminders, reports on the library stock, etc.

Book Rental

Administrative system for Book Rental Schemes

  • Stores details of all scheme resources (books, DVDs, videos, etc.)
  • Can store details of cost, age, and condition of resources
  • Works with or without a barcode scanner
  • Records contributions received from pupils and generates receipts for those contributions
  • Generates borrowing histories, overdue reminders, reports on the book rental stock, etc.

School Accounts

Allowing Schools to Manage their School Accounts

  • Records receipts of income, items of expenditure, and money transfers
  • Allows you to create your own income and expenditure headings
  • Tracks how school grants are spent
  • Includes bank reconciliation statements, income and expenditure accounts and trial balances

Online Payments

Manage Fees and Receive Payments Online

  • Create charges for some or all of your pupils / members
  • Allows guardians to pay online with a credit / debit card, and administrators to record the receipt of cash or cheques
  • Email charge notifications, reminders, and payment receipts to guardians / users
  • Tracks all amounts paid and all amounts outstanding
  • Automatically transfers net payments to bank account on a rolling 7-day basis

Text / Data Messaging

Communicate via Smart-phone App or SMS

  • All messages delivered to phones with the App installed are free
  • Automatic fall-back to regular SMS messages for those that do not have the App installed (charged at normal rates)

Parent-Teacher Meeting Scheduler

Create a PT Meeting Schedule, and allow manual or online time-slot bookings

  • Create a PT Meeting Event, with available dates and times
  • Pupils can be assigned their time-slots manually - by administrator or teacher - or by the system itself, or by Guardians logging in to website
  • Notifications of allocated times can be sent automatically by email or SMS
  • Teachers can block off break-times, and view and print their own schedules


Allowing Schools and Organisations to easily manage their own websites and email accounts

  • Automatically handles images, file downloads, and video attachments
  • Includes editable calendar feature, with customisable event categories
  • Includes gallery feature, enabling album creation, image captions, automatic thumbnails, and multiple file upload
  • Includes news streams feature to allow controlled access to publish news items to chosen editors. Each news stream comes with its own archive