Glastonbury Goddess Temple

Honouring Thetis, Morgen of Love, Morgen of Beltane

The Gateway to Goddess in Avalon

“THE GODDESS is alive in Glastonbury, visible for all to see in the shapes of the sacred landscape. She is soft as the rounded hills of Her body and sweet as the apple blossom that grows in Her orchards. Here Her love enfolds us every day and Her voice is always near, carried on the wind, whispering through the mists of Avalon. Her Mysteries are as deep as the Cauldron She stirs, taking us down into Her depths and lifting us up to Her heights. She is our Source, our Inspiration and our Love.”

– Kathy Jones

Our Temple is devoted to bringing Goddess alive in the world.
As a modern day Goddess-loving organisation and community based in Glastonbury, Somerset, we are dedicated to the development of a spirituality tradition rooted in the empowerment of women and men. We have been a registered place of worship since 2003.

News from the Temple

The Goddess Temple is open

The Goddess Temple is open every day between 12-4 pm. The Temple is located just off Glastonbury High Street. Find out more about visiting the Temple here!

Goddess Temple Madron Membership Scheme

Connect to Goddess and Avalon, wherever you are in the world!

Summer Celebration
Summer Celebration
Goddess Temple Summer Solstice Ceremonies

Goddess Temple Summer Solstice Ceremonies

Goddess Temple Summer Solstice Online Ceremony

Join us for our next online seasonal ceremony, on Wednesday 19th June at 7.30pm BST. This Summer Solstice we honour Morgen Gliten of Avalon, Lady of the Sacred Springs and Wells

Read on for info about our Glastonbury-based Summer Solstice Ceremony, too.

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Read our Beltane 2024 Newsletter

Read our Beltane 2024 Newsletter

Read our Beltane 2024 Newsletter!

Goddess Temple News is lovingly created four times a year, at Imbolc, Beltane, Samhain and Lammas. Goddess Temple News is edited by Giorgia Farano with contributions from other Temple Priestesses and Priests.

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Embodied Birth Experience

Embodied Birth Experience

Embodied Birth Experience

Sacred Birth Centre and Lady of Avalon

Online Training

With Freya Rose Birch

This training is a 13-week journey towards an embodied birth experience. You will gain the wisdom and embodiment you need to ecstatically birth your baby. This course is for those who desire to tell a new story about birth and liberate their lineage.

On Embodied Birth Experience, you will learn tools for creating presence during pregnancy and birth to increase connectivity with your baby and create a more euphoric experience.

Through this journey, I will give you the tools to liberate your lineage through deep womb work, whilst also healing and transforming any previous trauma you may be storing in your body, mind, womb or psyche, including birth trauma (being born and previous births).

The training is for heart-centred, soulful women who desire to align with birth as a spiritual, embodied & ecstatic experience.

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Goddess Pilgrimages

Goddess Pilgrimages

Goddess Pilgrimages

A pilgrim is someone who sees life as a sacred journey, who sees the earth as a sacred home, who sees the universe as a process… We make the outer journey in order to make an inner journey. The inner landscape is shaped by the outer landscape and vice versa. Therefore, by making an journey to a holy place, we are moved to explore our inner landscape and make our journey to the inner source within.

Wise words by the inspiring Satish Kumar who in the 60’s walked from India the four corners of the nuclear world – Moscow, Paris, London and Washington.

Sacred pilgrimages are journeys of the soul, bringing us in deeper connection with ourselves and the divine. Journeying intentionally to these sacred places can bring healing into our hearts. They can awaken our soul, and help us to remember who we are, and who we once were before. Join us on one.

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The Temple of the Creative Arts

The Temple of the Creative Arts

The Temple of the Creative Arts

with Susie Quatermass & Guests

Temple of the Creative Arts is a new creation by Susie Quatermass. This will be a series of seven online sessions with talks, which will bring together artists whose work is inspired by Goddess.

Each session will be hosted by Susie Quatermass and will begin with a blessing and opening, calling in the energies and presence of the Goddess. This is a beautiful opportunity to hear from artists who will share their love of Goddess through their chosen craft..


Next Session: 5 June – Intuitive Arts, with Tressy Driver

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Remembering the Great Mother

Remembering the Great Mother

Remembering the Great Mother: An Exploration of Her Sacred Sites

With Iona Jones

NEW! Book individual weekends

Next Weekend: 22nd & 23rd June 2024

This is a journey of remembering and connecting to the Great Mother. She who is the source of all creation – the air, the fire, the water, and the earth we walk upon. We know that the Great Mother was worshipped for thousands of years throughout the world, through the remains of beautiful Goddess statues, carvings, pottery and jewellery we have found.

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Priestess of Avalon Tasters

Priestess of Avalon Tasters

Priestess of Avalon Online Taster Day

with Kit Crowther

Beyond the town of Glastonbury, in Somerset, and through the veil of mists and mystery lies the ancient land of Avalon. Sacred Isle of The Lady of Avalon and Her nine Morgen sisters. Her violet rays eternally inspiring, empowering and transforming those who seek to know Her.

This new taster day offers participants a unique experience of Spiral One from the Priestess of Avalon Course, run through Glastonbury Goddess Temple Teachings. The course, founded and taught in year 3 by by Kathy Jones, is an experiential journey towards becoming a Priestess or Priest of Avalon.

Saturday 7th September 2024

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Pearl Mothers in Avalon

Pearl Mothers in Avalon

Pearl Mothers in Avalon

with Uni Arndísar

For Women without Children

An in-person weekend in Glastonbury on Saturday/Sunday 21st/22nd September and an online evening gathering on Wednesday 18th September

Plus an Evening Concert on Tuesday 17th September

Gathering with ease in a Sisterhood of Women without children, experiencing the power of resting. Learn to move through life with gentle ease, and the peaceful energies of living gently.

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Sound Healer Training

Sound Healer Training

The Art of Creating Sacred Sound: Sound Healer Training

with Charlie Merton

Start date: 28th/29th September 2024

An immersive 8-month programme to delve into the world of sound healing. Experience the transformative qualities of sonic resonance, learn to create and facilitate deeply healing spaces, sonic weaving a tapestry of tones, vibrations and harmonies rooted in ancient sounds infused with modern techniques. Our Ancestors knew everything is vibration and energy, and Einstein supported this with his statement “Everything in life is vibration”. Sound baths have grown in popularity over recent years. Creating a sound bath that has healing properties requires skill, awareness cultivation and deep connection with one’s own sonic field. This course will provide you with the tools to create safe spaces and healing sonic tapestries.

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Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

Priestess/Priest of Gaia Training

with Patricia Sutherland>

Start date: 5th/6th October 2024>

In this Two Spiral, Two Year training we will be entering Gaia’s womb, reclaiming that which we have forgotten or lost by connecting and working with Her energies. We will walk Her land as our ancestors once did following her trackways, ley lines and waters to discover Her wisdom and what She holds for us. We will be using Her gifts of crystal, flowers, herbs, woods, waters and air to aid both our own healing, the healing of others and Gaia herself.

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Empowerment of the Crone

Empowerment of the Crone

Empowerment of the Crone

with Kathy Jones

Explore the Rich Wisdom of Crone as Goddess and within ourselves, in actuality or potential.

Start Date 5th/6th October 2024

Within our societies the Crone as Woman, as Archetype and as Divinity, is almost completely ignored. As woman the Crone is invisible, grey-haired, wrinkled and old, easily dismissed as we walk past her in the street. Yet Cronehood is women’s time of greatest Wisdom in Life, for we have lived through time. We have loved and lost. We have succeeded and failed. We have descended into the depths and risen to the heights. We have grown as human beings. We have experienced life with all its variety and wonder and we have perspective.

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Priestess of Avalon Training

Priestess of Avalon Training

Priestess and Priest of Avalon Training

with Kit Crowther, Luna Silver and Kathy Jones

Start date: 26th/27th October 2024

In ancient times the role of a Priestess or Priest of the Goddess was recognized as a Sacred Calling, a life lived in service to Goddess within one of Her Sacred Temples, found all around the world in many different cultures. The majority of those Goddess Temples were destroyed when patriarchal forces took over the world thousands of years ago.

Thankfully Goddess is returning to our awareness. She is once again being recognised as Divine Source and Great Mother of All. Many women and some men are beginning to re-member and re-claim an ancient path of devotion and service to Goddess. Communities and Temples of Goddess are being built anew in Her world, allowing people to come together to learn who Goddess is, to celebrate Her, to recreate Her Sacred Sanctuaries and to experience Her wonderful loving nature.

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Offerings from the Temple

Visit the Glastonbury Goddess Temple, a sacred space devoted to Goddess

Ceremonies for individuals and groups to connect with Goddess, held by our Temple Priestesses and Priests

We take people on Goddess Pilgrimages into the magical mystery worlds of Goddess

Our inspirational, transformative online and in-person courses and Priestess trainings

Hire one of our beautiful Goddess spaces for your workshop or event

A beautiful, Goddess-centred gift shop in the Heart of Avalon

Our Goddess healing and therapies centre in the centre of Glastonbury

Sacred marriage ceremonies conducted by Priestesses of Avalon