information & sessions
What is Ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian problem solving process that was created by Morrnah Simeona. The basis for the problem solving is that we are all one and we share memories that create problems in our daily life. It means that whatever problem I come across, I have to clean on it because I am a part of it. This is the way to take 100% responsibility for my life. If I do not clean on it, I can be sure that it will come back to me through another situation. If another person comes to me and tells me about their problem, I am also part of it. When I clean on their problem, the highest and best solution for that person will occur, at the same time as that will happen to me. You need to know that the highest and best solution is not always the one you have figured out with your mind. It is what the Divine wants for you, and that can be something different. It is a good approach to be open to the result - no expectations! What will happen when we clean is that you have the possibility to find peace around the situation. Please note that Ho'oponopono is so much more than the four phrases as taught in the book "Zero Limits". If you use the phrase "I'm sorry" to clean and you do not get any result, please stop. To say "I'm sorry" like that will automatically engrave in your Unihipili (inner child) that you ARE sorry - not a good idea. If Unihipili is sorry, no good things will happen, so we suggest that you use other tools instead.

Who are we?
Photo One We are Linda S Levin and Marie Höglund, based in Sweden. We have been interested in different energybased techniques for the most part of our lives, and we have taught other techniques previously. We have practised Ho'oponopono and Huna for years now and we have noticed that a lot of good things happen to us and our loved ones when we clean on different problems. Situations that seem unsolvable suddenly clears up in a beautiful way. We are living our lives much more in flow now, than before we learnt this technique. Life is so much easier now, because of the cleaning tools being so easy. We want to extend our services to people outside of our community by this web site. We offer sessions at a reasonable price, to help you clean on any situation that you need help on. We charge only for our time, and at the moment the investement you make for the session described below is 79 USD.
Ho'oponopono sessions
Photo Two We offer to clean on your problem for 30 days. You write down your story with every detail you can think of, and email that to us. Please remember to add all the persons involved in the situation, as well as addresses to where they live and any other premises involved in the problem (work place etc). During these 30 days, please feel free to email us any questions you may have or any feedback. We may also send you exercises that we want you to do in order to enhance the cleaning process, so please be prepared to do things we ask of you. Payment is done through Paypal, and as soon as we have received it we will start to clean. After the 30 days we would like to get in touch with you again and get an update on your situation. We look very much forward to being of assistance to you and to get to know you :).
Quick Contact
Email: hooponoponocleaning@gmail.com
Phone Linda: +46-706-555705
Phone Marie: +46-738-390512
Please respect our time zone.

Our time in Sweden is now:
To Book a Session
Email us
Write all the details you can think of to describe your problem. Include addresses to all involved persons, as well as premises. Email at this address.

Pay through Paypal
You need your own account, which is really easy to set up at Paypal. You transfer the payment of 79 USD to our email address: hooponoponocleaning@gmail.com
Use the "Send Money" tab on your account.

Follow up
After 30 days we email you to follow up on the status of the situation. Feel free to email questions and feedback during the 30 days.