Product Features

Automatic data backups

Easy to setup

Two-way synchronization

File encryption options

Back up open files

File compression options

Non-proprietary format

Automatic archival of old versions

Email notification

Unobstrusive operation

For Windows 11 and earlier versions

Back up Documents, Music, Pictures ... and all other important data

Back up your data

Second Copy® is the perfect automatic backup software designed for Windows 11 and backward compatible including Windows 7. It makes a backup of your data files to another directory, internal or external hard disk or to a computer across the network.
Second Copy® monitors the source files and keeps the backup updated with new or changed files. It runs in the background with no user interaction. So, once it is set up you always have a backup of your data somewhere else.

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Second Copy Experience

Organizing your data files

Most of the time the files that you need to backup are your data files. If you lose the hard disk, you can install the program files and other software from the original CDs or diskettes but your data files are the most valuable and they need to be restored from your own backups or "Second Copies".

Quickly creating new profiles

To quickly create a new profile, open the source folder in Windows Explorer then drag and drop the desired files on to the Second Copy's main window. The profile wizard will pop-up with default settings. Check and adjust the settings and give the profile a new name.

Viewing compressed files

Second Copy has a built in Zip file viewer. You can use this to view and extract files inside a compressed file. To use, simply right click on a compressed profile and select "Destination files...".

Different copy modes to choose from

The selection of copy modes include are: Simple Copy, Exact Copy, Move, Synchronize (two-way), Compress, and Compress with AES encryption of up to 256-bit.

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