What Is News?

News is the information that a newspaper, radio or television channel provides about current events. It is often compiled and presented to inform or educate the audience, though it can…


About this article Entertaiment is a cultural category that encompasses activities that divert, amuse, and delight people, keeping them engaged and occupied while they pursue other goals. This is a…

A Guide to Religion

Religion is a remarkably pervasive and universal phenomenon. Of the world’s 6.5 billion people, most belong to one of its many religions. Although it is often criticized as insidious, irreligious…

The Influence of Fashion

Fashion is a cultural phenomenon, encompassing clothing, accessories, hairstyles, makeup and much more. It reflects personal style, creativity and identity. It also reflects societal trends and influences how people interact…

Business Services

Business services refer to a set of activities that support other business functions. These include management, administration and customer support. Business services can be provided by internal departments or external…

What Is News?

News is a collection of items, either written or presented in the form of photographs, audio and video that are intended to inform and entertain an audience. These items are…

The Travel Industry

The travel industry consists of a wide variety of businesses that provide services to tourists and travelers. It includes businesses that offer transportation, accommodation, entertainment, food, and tourism advice and…