Mild Autism in Adults and Children

Signs are subtle and often missed in early childhood

Mild autism is an unofficial term commonly used to refer to a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder level 1. Mildly autistic people have less noticeable traits (that they often mask) and have low support needs. However, challenges can include social interaction, reading social cues, understanding body language, and deciphering facial expressions.

Because these traits can be subtle, mild autism is often missed during early intervention screenings in childhood. As a result, people with the condition tend to be diagnosed at an older age, possibly adulthood.

This article discusses mild autism in adults and children. It describes traits of autism with low support needs, how they are often overlooked, and how they may eventually be diagnosed.

Child playing with toys in room

What Are Traits of Mild Autism?

The term "mild autism" can be confusing unless you know that autism is a spectrum disorder with traits that range from the least to most intense.

Autistic people with mild traits, those with intense challenges, and autistic people in between are all diagnosed with ASD. However, their diagnoses are further classified by level. There are three, each of which is defined by the amount of support a person may need.

Level 1 autism describes people who need the least support for the activities of daily life. This is what some call mild autism.

In general, people with ASD have challenges with social communication, usually resist changes in their routine, and can be hypersensitive to noise, smell, touch, and other sensory experiences.

Autistic people with low support needs may have advanced academic abilities, but struggle with social skills, sensory challenges, or organization. Children and adults can exhibit different signs.

Support needed for a person with level 1 autism might include:

  • Building self-control
  • Controlling emotions
  • Being flexible
  • Developing back-and-forth communications skills
  • Understanding non-verbal communication
  • Reducing anxiety

How much support autistic people with mild traits need depends on many factors and varies from person to person, even though they have the same level-1 diagnosis.

Also Known As

Mild autism is also sometimes called:

These terms are not used by the medical community and are considered offensive to some. Many people prefer "autism with low support needs" to describe their diagnosis.

Mild Autism Traits in Children

Autistic children with low support needs can have many neurotypical behaviors. When traits do appear, they can be slight and easy to overlook, or considered simple differences in personality or temperament.

  • Doesn't make eye contact: Autistic kids may seem very shy and look away from people when speaking or being spoken to, either often or consistently.
  • Seems distant: They can sometimes seem to be "in their own world" and may not seem to hear people who are speaking to them.
  • Attached to routine: A specific way of doing things often brings feelings of security. Any change to this routine can cause them to react in an emotional way.
  • Limits in adapting to change: Age-appropriate schoolwork or tasks may not be problematic, but a child may have a hard time changing activities or trying new ways of doing something.
  • Difficulty seeing another's perspective: It may be hard for an autistic child to understand what other people are thinking or feeling.
  • Challenges adjusting to different social situations: Autistic children might become upset in new social situations and not understand social "rules" and expectations.
  • Trouble developing and maintaining relationships: Autistic children often struggle with imaginative play, making friends, or sharing interests.
  • Repeating the same actions, activities, movements, or words: Autistic children may line up objects or do other activities over and over again, even if there is no obvious reason for doing so.
  • Limited range of interests, but in-depth knowledge: An autistic child might only care about a few things, but they'll know everything there is to know about them.
  • Extremely sensitive or indifferent to sensations: An autistic person can be extremely sensitive (hyperreactive) to the feel of material on their skin, be unable to stand loud noises, or have strong reactions to other sensory experiences. Others may not notice changes in sensation (hyporeactive), such as extreme heat or cold.

Some of these traits may be more obvious than others. It's also important to consider that autism traits and their expression can be affected by the child's location (e.g., at home or school), as well as who is with them (e.g., friends and family or strangers).

Autism traits may become more obvious as a child gets older. For example, an autistic preteen might be unable to keep up socially with their peers. This isn't always the case, however.

Mild Autism Traits in Adults

Autistic people with low support needs may not receive a diagnosis until they become adults—or at all. Signs of autism in adults may be difficult to see because autistic people with mild traits often adopt coping skills to suppress these traits, making them less obvious.

Some autism traits in adults include:

  • Difficulty relating to others: You may have a hard time putting yourself in "other people's shoes."
  • Difficulty making and maintaining friendships: Autistic adults have trouble understanding and following social rules, and can sometimes be seen as "rude" or inconsiderate. This can make it difficult to establish and maintain friendships.
  • Challenges with back-and-forth communication: An autistic person can find it hard to hold a conversation and use or understand body language, eye contact, and facial expressions.
  • Trouble expressing yourself verbally: You may say things that seem blunt, or have trouble describing what you are thinking or feeling.
  • Strong need for planning and routine: Autistic adults like structure and may have a rigid routine. They may have a need to plan out the details of everything they do.
  • Disliking change: Change can make an autistic adult feel very uncomfortable or emotional.
  • Experiencing anxiety in social situations: You might have difficulty adjusting to a new social situation or to situations where there is a lot of sensory input, such as a crowded store.
  • Having intense interests in very specific subjects: Autistic adults can become "hyperfixated" on certain subjects or activities.

Can an Autistic Person Have a "Normal" Life?

Whether an autistic person can live a "normal" life depends on the level of their diagnosis. Those with mild autism traits are typically able to live independently, get an education, hold a job, and so on. This is not to say that autism with low support needs won't come with some challenges, but ensuring proper support can set an autistic person up for success.

Why Mild Autism Traits May Go Undiagnosed

Autistic people with low support needs are more likely to fly under the radar and not be diagnosed until they are older. There are several reasons for this, some of which include their sex, how they adopt masking strategies, the difficulty with diagnosis, and more.


Assigned females are more likely to have mild autism traits that go undiagnosed until they are older. Autistic girls are less likely to engage in repetitive behaviors and don't act out as much as autistic boys.

They're also more likely to be seen as shy and withdrawn. If caregivers and teachers consider these behaviors "expected" for girls, it can contribute to the delay in autism diagnosis.

Masking and Coping Skills

Masking is when someone suppresses or covers up autism traits in order to "fit in" better with those around them. Examples of this include imitating the way others speak or carry themselves, and practicing statements before saying them.

Autistic people with low support needs are often better able to mask their autism traits than those with intense traits and high support needs. They can be successful in their efforts, though this usually ends up causing distress. 

Autistic people with low support needs also tend to adopt coping skills to help them in settings like school and work. For example, a child may fidget with something under their desk throughout the day to feed their need for stimulation. This may go unnoticed or not be paid much mind if it is.

Difficulty With Diagnosis

Autism with low support needs can be hard to diagnose in anyone. But since children typically have several grown-ups monitoring them (caregivers, teachers, coaches, healthcare practitioners, and so on), getting to the point where an evaluation is actually done may be harder for autistic adults.

Usually, a person will need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in adult autism. This might not happen if someone is unaware they are exhibiting signs or they do not want to acknowledge them.


Sometimes an autistic person with mild traits may get a diagnosis—just not an autism diagnosis.

Autistic adults with low support needs may have been previously misdiagnosed with:

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder 
  • Psychosis 
  • Personality disorders
  • Other neurodevelopmental disorders 

These mental health diagnoses in adults with undiagnosed autism may actually be a sign of autistic burnout.

What Is Autistic Burnout?

Autistic burnout is a non-medical term for a state of exhaustion autistic people can experience. Autistic adults say it is caused by the stress of masking and living in an unaccommodating "neurotypical" world. Signs of autistic burnout look a lot like depression and include:

  • Decreased ability to suppress autistic traits (mask)
  • Exhaustion
  • Problems with focus and concentration 
  • Reduced daily living skills
  • Social withdrawal

How Mild Autism Is Diagnosed

Pediatricians, school staff, and parents may notice mild autism traits in a child that prompt an evaluation. This is done by an ASD specialist such as a child psychologist, child psychiatrist, pediatric neurologist, or developmental pediatrician.

Adults who may have autism must be evaluated by a psychologist or psychiatrist, but this requires them to take the initiative to make that appointment.

Diagnosing Mild Autism Traits in Children 

The specialist will go over your child's medical and developmental history. Your child's intelligence, behavior patterns, and social and communication skills can be tested.

Tests used to help diagnose autism can include:

Before the fifth and most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the handbook that guides clinicians' diagnosis of these conditions, a child had to show delays in social interaction and communication before age 3 to be diagnosed with autism. Now, there's a little more flexibility—the autism traits just have to be present from an "early age."

If your child is in school, you can also inquire about having your child evaluated through the school district. 

Diagnosing Mild Autism Traits in Adults

The process of getting an autism diagnosis as an adult can be difficult and may vary from provider to provider.

Your healthcare provider will likely assess you based on:

  • Their observations about your autism traits
  • Your own observations about your autism traits
  • Screening questionnaires such as the Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale–Revised (RAADS–R)

Support services for autistic adults can be lacking, and many people have strong emotions after being diagnosed.

A Word From Verywell

As with any other condition, a timely diagnosis is key to getting the support you or your child may need and developing a better understanding of how to navigate life with level 1 autism spectrum disorder. The diagnosis can be more difficult to establish than most because of how subtle the signs are, so be sure to advocate for yourself or your child if you suspect ASD.

Mild Autism and Treatment

The recommended treatment for autistic people with low support needs usually depends on age. Autistic children and teens need support that differs from what autistic adults need.

As with any level of ASD, the most helpful treatments for autistic people with low support needs often involve a variety of therapies. The type of support that's needed, as well as how much is needed, may change over time.

Treatments for Children

Autistic children often need a very structured routine. Their caregivers can work with a team of professionals to ensure their child has the support they need at school and at home.

An education plan that's tailored to an autistic child's needs is also necessary. They may also benefit from:

Possible treatments for autism with low support needs include:

  • Behavioral therapy: This type of therapy uses rewards to teach autistic children expected or preferred behaviors.
  • Play or developmental therapy: This therapy uses play-based activities to build an autistic child's emotional and communication skills.
  • Speech therapy: Speech therapy for autistic children with low support needs is usually focused on conversation skills and learning to understand body language.
  • Occupational therapy: Occupational therapy is often helpful for sensory challenges that many autistic children face.
  • Physical therapy: Many autistic children have low muscle tone and struggle with physical activities.
  • Specific condition treatment: Autistic kids also need to be treated for any other physical or mental health conditions they have. For example, seizures, gastrointestinal disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder commonly co-occur with autism.

Treatments for Adults

Structure and predictability are also important for autistic adults. Examples of what this might include are:

  • Accommodations at work, such as scheduled breaks, written (rather than verbal) instructions, and earplugs or headphones to reduce sensory overload.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to develop coping skills, which in turn helps them manage relationships and deal with frustrations at work and in life.
  • Occupational therapy that focuses on problem-solving skills, building self-esteem, managing sensory challenges, and taking charge of home and finances.
  • Speech therapy to help build communication skills and the ability to interpret body language.

As with autistic children, autistic adults also need treatment and support for any other conditions they have—for example, going to therapy or taking medication to help them cope with anxiety.


Mild autism is diagnosed as level 1 autism spectrum disorder. It means a person does not have intense autism traits and needs a lower level of support than other autistic people often do.

Autistic people with low support needs still have a hard time communicating and interacting with others. They can also find it difficult to change their routine and can be sensitive to sounds, pain, tastes, or other sensations. But generally, they are able to carry out the tasks of daily living well.

There's no separate diagnosis for mild autism, but providers may develop a treatment plan to align with level 1 autism traits and support needs.

22 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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Additional Reading
Lisa Jo Rudy

By Lisa Jo Rudy
Rudy is a writer, consultant, author, and advocate who specializes in autism. Her work has appeared in The New York Times and Autism Parenting Magazine.