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World Bank Sustainable Development Bonds

Support the financing of a combination of green and social, i.e. “sustainable development”, projects, programs, and activities in member countries.

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New Publication

Gold Investing Handbook for Public Asset Managers

RAMP is a program developed within the World Bank Treasury that delivers advisory services, hosts executive training, and provides asset management services—all within a global network of public asset managers. he Partnership strengthens countries’ financial stability and economic resilience.

IBRD Financial Products

IBRD Financial Products and Client Solutions

IBRD offers sovereigns and sub-sovereigns a suit of innovative, cost-effective, financial products and custom solutions that help clients maximize access to financing and mitigate risks.

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World Bank Treasury


Press releases, feature stories, events, blogs, opinions, speeches, results.


Brazil Sovereign Sustainable Bond: Financing a greener, more inclusive, and equitable economy

The World Bank and Colombia’s national student loan agency ICETEX partnered to overcome challenges in higher education by financing long-term loans for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Program had a transformative impact on Colombia’s human capital, enabling over 623,000 Colombians access higher education in the last two decades, with students from disadvantaged backgrounds reaching 90 percent in 2023. The cornerstone of the Program: a robust loan structure that aligned World Bank loan terms to students' capacities to repay their loans to ICETEX.


The World Bank Impact Report

The 2022 Impact Report is focused on IBRD Sustainable Development Bonds and Green Bonds, and the IBRD-financed projects supported by these bonds. The report presents results highlights, issuance, commitment and allocation figures, followed by examples of the new projects added to the respective project portfolios in FY22.