
Deafblind International DbI is THE point of connection in deafblindness worldwide. We connect to maximize positive impact for and with all those concerned and involved.

As an international not-for-profit membership organization we have a constitution, members from around the globe, 17 thematically or geographically focused Networks and are managed by a volunteer Board. “Connect to Act” and join us as an individual member!

In Focus
ICF Core Set
for Deafblindnes

Under the leadership of members of Deafblind International, an international team is currently in the process of developing the first version of the ICF Core Sets for deafblindness.

Learn more


Every child has the right to education!
However, children with deafblindness and similar needs are often left behind.
Our 4-year campaign “LET ME IN” therefore calls for the immediate respect of their right to education worldwide.
The campaign thrives on close international cooperation, notably with the World Federation of The Deafblind WFDB.

May 6, 2024As the number of DbI’s Networks have grown, we have identified a need to add a Co-Network Coordinator role to the team. The Co-Network Coordinator will have a supporting and complimentary role to the current DbI Network Coordinator. The Co-Network Coordinator underlines the importance of the value of the DbI Networks and will be knowledgeable … [...]
April 30, 2024We’re pleased to announce that Cordoba, Argentina, will be hosting an Inter-Ministerial Meeting on May 30th and 31st as part of the DbI Global Education Campaign. We invite you to join us either in person or online. Please find attached the program for the event. We look forward to seeing you there! Program in EnglishProgram … [...]
March 21, 2024Deafblind International DbI is pleased to present the Virtual Proceedings Document of the 18th International World Conference, Ottawa, Canada (July 2023). Held in Ottawa, Canada, this event brought together leading experts, researchers, practitioners, and advocates in the field of deafblindness from around the globe. Thirteen selected post-conference papers represent a small cross-section of this international … [...]