Photo 19 Jun 8 notes At dreamhack competing with this awesome gang!

At dreamhack competing with this awesome gang!

Text 19 Jun 1 note

xfavrielx asked: How did you made your tracer goggles?

What I used.
Coca cola bottle, black foam, orange transparent pen, craft foam, elastic band, white paint & glue sticks.

What I did.
Make a pattern in paper or something. Cut the shape out from a bottle or if you buy acrylic plastic. And paint it orange with the pen. Cut out craft foam and glue it onto the plastic. Measure your head and cut the elastic band. Glue the elastic band onto the plastic. Cover it with the black foam. Paint the craft foam white.

Good luck! :D

Photo 29 Jan 15 notes Hello there! Zeratul sneak peak!

Hello there! Zeratul sneak peak!

Photo 11 Jan 15 notes I’m making a protoss zeratul cosplay!

I’m making a protoss zeratul cosplay!

Video 5 Sep 1 note
Video 5 Sep

How to make an excellent photo studio at home!

Photo 5 Sep 8 notes Made a Wind Waker painting for my special someone! He looks pleased. XD

Made a Wind Waker painting for my special someone! He looks pleased. XD

Photo 5 Sep 5 notes Lugia in aquarelle! :D

Lugia in aquarelle! :D

Photo 5 Sep 44 notes I made a painting of Solaire! :D

I made a painting of Solaire! :D

Photo 5 Sep 28 notes Made a painting of Godoka! :D

Made a painting of Godoka! :D

Photo 25 Feb 7 notes Tracer googles!

Tracer googles!

Photo 22 Feb 34 notes Took new pictures of my scarcraft chairs that i made! I promise to start working on the terran and random chair when I’m done with my Tracer cosplay project.

Took new pictures of my scarcraft chairs that i made! I promise to start working on the terran and random chair when I’m done with my Tracer cosplay project. 

Video 2 Feb 24 notes

First update on the Tracer cosplay! Currently working on her super cool guns! They’re based on styrofoam! For the final touch I’ll use white furniture filling!

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