Pitcure ...

What do you think? I'm starting to feel quite confident that Puma is having puppies <3

Puppies on the way?? ♥

Signs that she might be pregnant... =)
nipples are more pink, and a bit larger. She is a little swollen!
Could it be puppies on the way perhaps?

♥ Keep
your fingers


Puma has not had any discharge since yesterday!
And on Saturday it is exactly three weeks Since mating.
We hope soon to see if she is with puppies :)
Keep your fingers crossed ..

Enjoy ;)

Puuuma!! - Smile for me  ;)

Still looking for signs!

Keep your fingers crossed....

... T
hat Puma is pregnant =)

We keep track of the slightest sign that she shows, and so far she
has had brown vaginal discharge earlier this morning..

Otherwise everything is fine, she's having fun like never before with
her friends and sleeping remaining hours of the day..  <3


Håll era tummar i kors ...

.... För att Puma ska vara dräktig!! =)

Vi håller ögonen öppna efter minsta tecken på dräktighet, och hitills
har hon haft bruna flytningar tidigare imorse..

I övrigt är allting bra, hon busar med sina kompisar som aldrig förr
och resterande timmar på dygnet sover hon sött inbäddad i filtar!!
Hon njuter av all uppvaktning från alla håll..  <3

/ Denice

Parning / Mating!

Nu har Plupp & Puma haft sitt kärleksmöte, och förhoppningsvis resulterar
det i många härliga faraohundsvalpar! Mer om kullen kommer upp på den
nya hemsidan som inom snar framtid är klar och utlagd =)

Now Plupp & Puma had her love meeting, and hopefully it results
in many glorious pharaoh puppies! More about the upcoming litter
can be found on the new website as soon it´s posted on the Internet! =)

/ Denice

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