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Socio-Cultural & Linguistic

Mahiye Secil Dagtas
Supervisor: Janice Boddy
Degree: PhD
Research: Everyday politics of tolerance, religious pluralism, borders and boundaries, secularism, gender, temporalities, Turkey
Email: s.dagatas(at)mail.utoronto.ca

 Graham Candy
Supervisor: Joshua Barker
Degree: PhD
Research: Crime and security, Internet infrastructures as well as game studies. A central focus is China, where a massive growth of Internet and Communication Technologies (ICTs) use coincides with rapid social-economic change and government regulation.
Email: graham.candy(at)UT
Website: http://www.grahamcandy.com

 Julie Curran
Supervisor(s): Girish Daswani
Degree: BA, major anthropology, minor sociology (Mount Royal University, Calgary 2012)
Currently completing the one year SCL Anthropology Masters Program, with a collaborative in Diaspora and Transnational Studies (2013)
Research: anti-racism, culture and identity in host communities, cultural social spaces and celebrations, development, diaspora studies, ethnicity, identity, immigration, integration, post-colonial studies, the (re)production of community, refugees and returnees, and sub-Saharan Africa, South Sudan and Canada.
Email: julie.curran(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Nicholas Feinig
Supervisor: Shiho Satsuka
Degree: M.A.
Research: Japan, Economy, Work, Identity, Gender
Email: nick.feinig(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Mathew Gagne
Supervisor(s): Naisargi Dave
Degree: PhD
Research: Anthropology of technology, The Internet, queer studies, affect, the Middle East.
Email: mathew.gagne(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Omri Grinberg
Supervisor(s): Prof. Ivan Kalmar, Prof. Alejandro Paz
Degree: Ph.D. (Collaborative program with the Centre for Jewish Studies)
Research: Middle Eastern Studies (specifically Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories); bureaucracy and power; human rights; childhood and youth; critical theories; inter-disciplinary methodologies; agency; ethics of representation; the everyday; spatial studies.
Email: o.grinberg(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Dylan Gordon
Supervisor: Shiho Satsuka and Naisargi Dave
Degree: PhD
Research: Dylan studies the Canadian wild food trade through long-term participant observation. In the forests of northern Canada, he lives and works with rural and First Nations harvesters of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), like wild mushrooms and berries. In Canadian urban centres, he attends to the people who distribute and consume these items as wild food. His work highlights the diverse peoples that make up today’s Canada, and the ways they negotiate conflicting economic and environmental values. Follow his wild food PhD research on Twitter @KnowWildFood, or visit his website at www.dylangordon.ca.

Daniella Jofre
Supervisor: Valentina Napolitano
Degree: PhD
Research: Her doctoral fieldwork explores the construction of cultural landscapes and Aymara communities in the Chilean Andes. In order to analyse how competing discourses and practices locally shape spatial knowledge and indigenous heritage, she focuses in the design of a new management plan for the Lauca Biosphere Reserve. Currently in the process of thesis-writing.
Email: d.jofre(at)UT

Sharon Kelly
Supervisor: Joshua Barker and Bonnie McElhinny
Degree: PhD
Research: My dissertation research concerns the redevelopment of Regent Park, Canada’s oldest and largest government housing project, and the redevelopment of the Queen Street site of the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health.The end goal of both redevelopments is the construction of mixed-income, mixed-use communities intended to decrease the institutional feel of each site, reduce stigma, and facilitate “normalized” neighbourhoods. I seek to understand the ideological reformulation that underlies these transitions “from institutional facility to urban village” and to what extent exclusionary urban forms are mitigated by such an initiative. I also examine the redevelopments in connection to social, economic and political processes, to explore whether they are reflective of a period of neoliberal urbanism, or a city’s attempt to remain competitive in a global economy.
Email: sharon.kelly(at)UT

Anna Kruglova
Supervisor: Ivan Kalmar and Michael Lambek
Degree: PhD
Research: postsocialism; anthropology of (future) time; imagination; risk; uncertainty; boredom; lifecourse; phenomenology; subjectivity.
Email: anna.kruglova(at)gmail.com

Esther Kuhn
Supervisor: Michael Lambek
Degree: PhD
Research: My research focuses on the dynamics of artisanal gold mining in Mali (the Mande area) and the ways women manage to ‘find’ money there. My interests include issues of debt in artisanal mining, changing family relations and the ways artisanal miners deal with their unstable economic environment that includes the fluctuating gold price, local and national power holders in a time of decentralization, and large mining corporations. Previously I conducted research on ritual and savings strategies in women’s savings associations (RoSCA’s/tontines) in South Mali.
Email: esther.kuhn(at)UT

Chantelle LeBlanc
Supervisor: Chris Krupa and Krystyna Sieciechowicz
Degree: PhD
Research: Good living, Ecuador, Post-neoliberalism, Livelihoods.
Email: chantelle.leblanc(at)UT

Nicole McFadyen
Supervisor: Bonnie McElhinny
Degree: MA
Research: My SSHRC funded MA research focuses on the impact of foreign aid on the development of sex work in the Philippines and will be the launching point for future PhD work on the experiences of migrant Filipino sex workers in Canada. I am also participating in the collaborative program in Sexual Diversity Studies through the Mark S. Bonham Centre. Other research interests include gender, sexuality, culture, migration, and policy.
Email: nicole.d.mcfadyen(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Carmen Nave
Supervisor: Sandra Bamford
Degree: PhD
Research: My research reconsiders matrilineal kinship in Ghana in a modern urban context. I examine the intersection of matrilineal and national definitions of kinship by looking at how people incorporate a national law (PNDCL 111) that radically redefined inheritance into their kinship and inheritance practices.
Email: carmen.nave(at)UT

Hoang Vu Nguyen
Supervisor: Hy Van Luong
Degree: PhD
Research: Transnationalism, diaspora, overseas Vietnamese, homeland.
Email: hoang.vunguyen(at)UT

 Kevin Nixon
Supervisor: Naisargi Dave
Degree: PhD
Research: My dissertation research examines the intersections between the drag queen (female impersonator) and the transgender female community in Toronto, Ontario. In particular, I am interested in processes of gender and sexual identity formation and their intersection with the the sex, class, race, and identity politics. Overall, my interests in anthropology focus on gay male sexuality, gender identity, and the embodiment of the feminine. Theoretically my research could be located within the realms of queer theory, feminist anthropology, transgender studies, and gay and lesbian studies. I also have a keen interest in how (mis)conceptions of gay male and transgendered female sexual and gender identities affect HIV/AIDS outreach and prevention efforts within those communities.
Email: k.nixon(at)UT

 Matthew Pettit (Socio-cultural/Medical)
Supervisor: Michael Lambek
Degree: PhD
Research: Matthew’s research centres on Vie Libre, an alcoholism-recovery group in Paris, France, and the activists that form its core. He investigates ethical engagements with the new “ordinary” that emerges with sobriety and social engagement, and the peculiar role of the “alcoholised” and vulnerable body within this praxis.
Email: matthew.pettit(at)UT

 Kate Rice (Socio-cultural/Medical)
Supervisor(s): Janice Boddy & Holly Wardlow
Research: My research background is as a medical anthropologist, working in the field of gender-power and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. At a time where rural South Africans are increasingly mobilizing and/or resisting ideals of rights to bodily integrity and gender equality, my doctoral project focuses on inter-gender and inter-generational negotiations and conflicts around issues of marriage and bridewealth. Focusing particularly on the relationships between gender-power, romantic love, erotic and emotional fulfillment and capital, I examine how rural Xhosa people negotiate sex and relationships in relation to both gender rights and local kin-based structures of inter-generational authority.
Email: kathleen.rice(at)mail.utoronto.ca

 Leah M. Shumka (Socio-cultural/Medical)
Supervisor: Janice Boddy
Degree: PhD
Research: Leah is interested in exploring the commodification of women’s sexuality, that is, what is socially deemed erotic and sensual, and the ‘branding’ of distinct forms of feminine sexualities associated with self-fashioning and self-pleasure. This research draws on theories of the body, embodiment, and subjectivity. Leah explores these issues using participant observation and life history narratives alongside body mapping and photography.
Email: l.shumka(at)UT

 Vivian Solana
Supervisor: Andrea Muhelebach
Degree: PhD
Research: Sovereignty, human rights, gender.
Email: vivian.solana(at)UT

 Jessica Taylor (Linguistic)
Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Bamford and Prof. Joshua Barker
Degree: PhD
Research: I am currently researching the field of romance publishing in North America and abroad.
Email: jessica.taylor(at)UT

 Jennifer Gibson
Supervisor(s): Todd Sanders, Shiho Satsuka
Sub-discipline: Social-Cultural
Degree: MA
Research: Environmental and political anthropology; Northern Gateway pipeline; indigenous sovereignty and land rights; politics of ecological knowledges.

Jacob Nerenberg (socio-cultural)
Supervisor: Tania Li
Degree: PhD
Research:  crisis; hope; markets; mobility; aspiration; rumour;
telecommunication; ethics; pleasure.
email: jacob.nerenberg(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Sardar Saadi
Supervisor(s): Prof. Tania Li and Prof. Andrea Muehlebach
Sub-discipline: Social-Cultural
Degree: MA
Research: My research focuses on pro-Kurdish municipality movement in Turkey led by pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, BDP. It will examine the shift in the Kurdish political movement from armed struggle to civil resistance using legal means and urban spaces to pursue a democratic autonomy in the Kurdish region of Turkey. My research intersets include the relations between the state, market, and urban planing, building alternatives against the existing capitalist system, and the politics of radical resistance in indigenous communities especially Kurdish people in the Middle East. I am also active in migrant justice movement as a member of No One Is Illegal-Toronto.
Email: sardar.saadi(at)mail.utoronto.ca

Stephen Campbell
Supervisor: Tania Li
Degree: PhD in Social-Cultural Anthropology
Research: Precarious labour and workers struggles among Myanmar migrants in Thailand
Contact: stephen(dot)campbell(at)utoronto(dot)ca

* UT = mail.utoronto.ca. All emails altered this way for spambot protection.*

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