Eliza Hull Christopher EP launch Review Melbourne with Haarlo


Haarlo, Stacey Gardiner and Jono Steer

Firstly, this review will be a little different from my normal ones. Because it’s going straight onto my blog, I feel like I can write it however I like without representing a different brand other than myself. So let’s get to it!

I arrived to the Ding Dong Lounge, which is one of my favourite venues in the world to catch the end of Haarlo’s set. What I heard was really damn good. The songs were very upbeat and I was so impressed with vocalist Stacey Gardiner’s voice. In terms of production, they have a nice electronic dreampop sort of sound like an Owl Eyes or Lorde. Check out the video at the bottom of this review.

Eliza Hull’s set was very laid back,  tranquil and consisted of her and her guitarist/beat producer Dylan Hill. I am not usually into really big booming voices, but they were especially impressive in a smaller venue like the Ding Dong Lounge. Especially when she sings those long extended lower notes. I didn’t really know her music beforehand, but the song Ready For the Fall really resonated in my mind because it reminded me a little bit of Volcano Choir. Now that I mention it, she does have a bit of Justin Vernon quality to her vocals. I’d say her style follows suit of London Grammar and Bat for Lashes, but with some more electronic elements.

For Ghosts Hayden Calnin came on stage to help out with vocals. Although it was pretty cool to see some more presence on stage (Haarlo and Tanya Batt who I didn’t manage to catch came on stage later), I didn’t really like the song. It was slightly too repetitive for my liking. The songs I liked the best were just with her and Dylan.

She showed her sheer vocal power when she did a cover of Sinéad O’connor’s Nothing Compares 2U late in the set.

I really enjoyed the gig and if would definitely recommend you check both Eliza Hill and Haarlo out (I will conveniently put some links in the bottom of this post).