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I am a native-born American and naturalized Swede with many years of diverse experience in the areas of writing, translating, line editing and proofreading.

As a high school and community college English teacher, I spent many years teaching students how to study and write in a broad range of genres. I also served on the Board of Directors at The Scandinavian School in San Francisco. In the communications role, I wrote, translated and edited a variety of texts for both print and electronic media.

My family and I have lived in both Stockholm, Sweden and the San Francisco Bay Area, which we currently call home. While I have taken on translation and editing projects for many years, I dedicated myself to freelancing in early 2011. Since then, I have translated and edited a wide range of texts, from magazine articles to websites to academic articles. I have also worked closely with authors of both academic and popular non-fiction books to develop a finished product ready for publication. 

My training includes a Bachelor’s of Arts in English from the University of Michigan and a Master’s of Arts in English Education from New York University as well as other relevant courses and certifications. I am married to a Swede and speak fluent Swedish.

Please contact me for more details about my current and previous experiences.