If you're serious about making money online in 2015, then you don't want to miss out on this deal.

This offer will be taken OFFLINE on December 19th!

Now You Can Instantly Create Unique Profit-Pulling Products Customized With Your Title, and YOUR Name as the Author In Less than 10 Minutes... Guaranteed!

Plus... the Entire Process is Automated
and Done For You!

  • No More Trial And Error or Wasted Efforts!
  • No More Hard Work or Sleepless Nights!
  • No More Technical Nightmares or Mistakes!

Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,

If you've been around the IM industry for any length of time, you know there is a lot of hype in the marketplace.

Certain marketers like to play with your emotions... as they pitch their latest and greatest product. Most of the time, you don't get even a fraction of what is promised.

But once in a blue moon, something REVOLUTIONARY comes along. Something that really lives up to it's promise… and more.

There are lot of scammers out there, and there's a lot of so-called gurus who are really just wannabe's and one-hit wonders. I'm NOT one of them. I've proven that you can make money online for the long term, and that you can do it with integrity.

EricI've been doing business on the Internet since 1999, I've made millions of dollars online, and I've helped thousands of people build online businesses... and I've got the testimonials to prove it.

So if you want to make money online, and do it with integrity... you're in the right place :-)

I do live the so-called "Internet lifestyle". It's a blessing. But for me that doesn't mean driving fancy cars and collecting as many toys as I can fit in my house.

I like to give back. I like taking mission trips, I've even taken my entire family (with 6 kids) on a few of them. And I like to help people as much as possible.

(my third trip to work with LOL Ministry in Belize)

OK? So just so you know, the reason I told you this stuff about myself is NOT to brag or inflate my ego. I just wanted you to know that I've done some things that you might also want to do.

In fact, this is all about helping YOU.

Would you like to pay off all your debt? And have money in the bank? And have the freedom to take vacations, and spend time with the people you care about?

Of course. And those are some things that I've done, and that I want to help you achieve also. And we'll do that together using a great shortcut for making money online.

My shortcut may seem mysterious right now, but in a few minutes, there will be no mystery anymore.

You will fully understand exactly what it is, and how you can profit from it.

So here we go...

It's called the "Instant Product Engine".


A Complete 'Done For You' Internet Marketing
Business Automation System That
Gets You Making Money FAST!

The Instant Product Engine (IPE) automates the biggest hurdles in product creation...
While YOU rake in profits on auto-pilot!

  • Automated Product Creation and Product Branding - Done for You!
  • Automated Sales Letters - Done for You!
  • Automated Squeeze Page - Done for You!
  • Automated Email Confirmation Page - Done for You!
  • Automated Confirmation Success Page - Done for You!
  • Automated Thankyou / Download Page - Done for You!
  • Automated Never Seen Before Graphics Branding - Done for You!

Let me show you How Easy it is to Use...

(Note: The product pictured in the illustration below is not the actual product you are getting today, it's just a demonstration of how the Instant Product Engine works)

  • step1

    Step1: Select the product you want to brand

    In the member’s area, start by selecting one of the two in-demand products that are pre-loaded into the system. (You will have the opportunity to add more later)

    You’ll be able to personally brand each of the two products.  Simply choose the one you want to brand first.
  • step2

    Step2: Enter your new product details.

    After you have selected the first product you want to brand, you will then enter the title and tagline you want to give the product, along with your website address. (If you don't have a site yet, don't worry about it! We'll show you how.)
  • step3

    Step3: Edit graphics

    The graphic engine is revolutionary!  With a simple point and click interface, you’ll be able to customize the product graphics with YOUR new title and tagline. This sets our system apart from ANYTHING you've seen before.

  • step4

    Step4: You're Done!

    Once you have finished editing the graphics, the IPE system goes to work.  It will create personally branded graphics, generate personally branded sales pages, squeeze pages, thank you pages and then let you download the entire website along with your new product!

Everything Is DONE FOR YOU

In less than 10 minutes, you will have created and launched your own Unique Product with the most Cutting Edge Automation System you've ever Seen!

Let's have a look at what the system has generated...

(Keep in mind that your product WON'T be called "WordPress Cash Cow". Each of your products will have unique names chosen by YOU!)




Now, whether you’re a newbie or an experienced internet marketer... it’s important to know that you’ll end up with a complete site, ready for you to upload, all created in less than 10 minutes.

All that’s left is to add your payment button to the sales page and insert your autoresponder code.  Plus... there’s tutorials that show you how to do this if you need help.

That's it! You're in business!

As a part of this package today, we're including two all-new products ready for you to brand and launch immediately..


Without Instant Product Engine, how long
would it take you to create ALL of that?

It would probably take a few weeks just to research and write an eBook. And then a few more weeks to create the other documents... and then a few more weeks for the sales letter.

To say you’re going to save a few weeks of time is an UNDERSTATEMENT.  In all likelihood, you’ll end up saving a few months!

And how much would it cost you to outsource your product creation?

It could cost as much as $1000 just for the eBook.  Add in another $1000 or more for the sales letter.    All told, it could cost you several thousand dollars to have everything done for you that Instant Product Engine creates in less than 10 minutes... for a fraction of the cost.

AND THEN... don’t forget... you have to MULTIPLY everything I just mentioned...  Because you're getting two products that you can rebrand with your own name, not just one!

Instant Product Engine gets your internet marketing business up and running so fast, you'll wonder how you survived all this time without it!

So... If you're still trying to get your first product set up online for sale, this will shorten the time it takes by leaps and bounds and save you thousands of dollars.  As you've seen, in a matter of minutes, you will have your own unique personally branded product to sell... with a sales page and a squeeze page... and with everything setup and ready to go.

If you're already doing business online, this will be an instant income stream for you. If you've got existing customers or subscribers, these will be great new products to offer them.  Just set them up, promote them, and watch the cash roll in!

Here's what our beta members are saying:




So, the only question now is:

How can you gain access to the
Instant Product Engine?

After spending five years developing the Instant Product Engine system, we thought long and hard about how we wanted to sell it, and what would be the best way to make it available.

We thought about doing webinars, and restricting access to a limited number of people who signed up for the system through the webinar. If we went that route, we could easily sell access to the Instant Product Engine for $997.

Like I said, I've made millions of dollars in this business, and I have a pretty good Idea of what sells.
In fact, I recently promoted a webinar for a $997 product... and it was hugely successful. So, we've thought about doing a webinar, giving a live demonstration of the exact same thing I just showed you, and sell it for $997 all day long.

However, as a part of this INTRODUCTORY ONE WEEK SPECIAL OFFER, we decided to make Instant Product Engine affordable for those who need it most. In other words, we want to put it into the hands of people who really need to make money online.

So we're not selling it for $997. We’re not selling it for $497 either.  Truth is, we haven't settled on a final price yet, but we decided to run an introductory special for one week only.

We want to give a ridiculously crazy good deal to our customers this week... and that includes you!

Call it an early Christmas gift :-)

You've arrived here on time, and you qualify for our introductory special.  But... we're doing this offer will END on December 19th.

Right now, you can get access to the
Instant Product Engine along with the
two customizable product packages for...

ONLY $17

This is a one time charge. There are no recurring fees.

Join the Instant Product Engine and
Claim Your Unfair Advantage!

Here's a recap of everything that's included with your Purchase


To make sure you have nothing to risk by
giving Instant Product Engine a try, here's our
100% Unconditional 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.


Remember, the products you'll receive can be branded with the product name and tagline of your choice as well as your name or pen name as the author.  Plus, you can customize the graphics to make your products unique. 

What’s more, the Instant Product Engine is web-based, and can be used from any computer... PC or Mac!

Seize the Day!

Look, most people procrastinate... and most people let opportunity pass them by. Heck, we've all been guilty of procrastination at one time or another.

But we believe you're different... and that's why you've received this invitation. And we don't want you to let this opportunity pass you by.

This is a very limited one-time offer.  Only those who grab this package during this 7-day offer will get in at this low price. Once it's over, it's gone forever.

Fortunes are made by those who recognize opportunity and take action... so don't delay your internet marketing fortunes another day.  Choose to be one of the lucky few who refuse to accept anything less than success... and order Instant Product Engine today!

With this special offer, you're getting all of the above for...

ONLY $17!

This is a one time charge. There are no recurring fees.

We will email your username and password to you, and you'll have access to the online member’s area, the Instant Product Engine, and the two new brandable products within minutes.

Click the order button now



See you in the members area,

Eric Naveed
Eric Holmlund & Naveed Peerzade

P.S.: The $17 special offer closes on December 19th.  Order now, and lock in this hugely discounted price.  

P.P.S.: Remember, your investment is entirely risk-free. If you don't like the Intant Product Engine... if you prefer not to have your entire business automated... or if you're not satisfied for any reason... simply contact us and we'll promptly refund you 100% in full.  Fair enough?


If you need assistance, please open a ticket at www.asknaveed.com


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