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SSD Executor II    

Executor II

Name:Executor II
Super-class Star Destroyer
Patrol System:
N/A (mobile throughout the galaxy)
N/A (mobile throughout the galaxy)

Commanding Officer: Grand Admiral Scott Hayden
Officer: Fleet Admiral Sean Walsh

Assigned Flight Squadrons: 'Dark Sword' 1st TIE Avenger squadron; 181st TIE Interceptor Squadron, 17th TIE Interceptor Squadron. All others CLASSIFIED
Flight Squadron Commanding Officer:
181st TIE Interceptor - Grand Moff Robert Bovine,17th TIE Interceptor - Line Captain Guðjón. All others CLASSIFIED
Attatched Vessels: Ebon Habu

Ebon Habu Ebon Habu

Name:Ebon Habu
Modified J-Type 327 Nubian
Emperor Piett's personal transport ship


Assigned Personel: Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Balaban, Ensign Steven Lange

Operational History: The Executor II holds the distinction of being one of the few remaining Super-class Star Destroyers still in existence. It's construction was a secret, cleverly disguised from Rebel Intelligence (quite a contradiction in terms, isn't it?) through the misinformation about the Lusanyka, an SSD secretly constructed on Coruscant itself. The Rebels believed the Lusankya to be the final SSD to be accounted for, but they overlooked the simple fact that the Lusankya must have been constructed in it's hiding place, otherwise the local populace would have noticed a 19 kilometre long starship landing in the neighbourhood...

The Executor II is the pinnacle of Imperial technology. Easily outclassing any other capital ship in the galaxy, it is less a starship and more a mobile fortress. The Super-class Star Destroyer is capable of carrying a small fleet of TIE squadrons, and though it's full compliment of armaments are strictly classified, rumours abound that the ship is armed with a 'Planet Puncher' superlaser approximately half as poweful as that of the second Death Star. It currently serves as the mobile command center of the Cult of Piett and Emperor Piett's personal flagship.

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