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NorthEast Region Quattro Club
Summit Point event

July 31-August 1 2000

The tech inspection picnic

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Another shot of the tech inspection picnic

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Keith Owes installing his harnesses

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The infield

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A Ferrari Testarossa

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A Ferrari F355

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Chief Instructor John Sullivan at a driver's meeting

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Getting a ride in a Porsche 911 around the track

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My instructor Nick Pinto after I made him puke

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The temporary HQ tent for the event

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Another shot of the infield

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The front straight - that's Warren Wang's Type-R

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The front straight - looking towards turn #1

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The Ferrari F355 approaching the start/finish line

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The banquet

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Eventmaster Jon Linkov at the banquet

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Four S4's lining up for a run in the beginner's group

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The hot & cold pits - that's Cathleen on the left in the black shirt

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An S4 passing an A6 4.2 on the main straight

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The A6 4.2 after passing the S4 on the main straight

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Four Porsche's in the instructor's run group screaming down the main straight

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Another shot of the pits and the Ferrari

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My A4 after going off course in turn #2 and through a mud puddle

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Another shot of my A4 after running through the mud puddle

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The A4 that was behind me when I hit the mud puddle =)

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