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DIG: look up DNS domain IP address information

Query a DNS domain nameserver to lookup and find IP address information of computers in the internet. Convert host and domain names to IP addresses and vice versa.

This is the right place for you to check how your web hosting company or domain name registrar has set up the DNS stuff for your domain, how your dynamic DNS is going, or to search IP addresses or research any kind of e-mail abuse (UBE/UCE spam) or other internet abuse.
This online service is for private non-commercial use only. Please do not abuse. No automated queries. No bots.

Domain: ... the name of the machine to look up.
Server: ... the DNS nameserver you want to handle your query
    (just start with this site's default server if you don't know better).
Query:   Trace     Dnssec    

DIG is a service to look up information in the DNS (Domain Name System [RFC1034, RFC1035]), just like nslookup.
Basically, DNS maps domain names to IP addresses. Although this service can query a specific DNS server, in most cases it may be sufficient and convenient just to use the KLOTH.NET default nameserver "localhost"/ The default querytype is A.
You may check the "Trace" option to trace the delegation path down from the root name servers for the name being looked up: dig makes iterative queries to resolve the name being looked up. It will follow referrals from the root servers, showing the answer from each server that was used to resolve the lookup.
To resolve an IP V4 address by reverse lookup (get a computer's name if you only have its IP address), try a PTR query instead of ANY. This reverse lookup will only work if the IP address owner has inserted a PTR record in the DNS. If you don't get a PTR information about a specific computer from a DIG query, you may want to try our whois service to find out the owner of this IP address.
The DIG utility (domain information groper) is a unix tool, which can be used to gather information from the Domain Name System servers. It is part of the ISC bind nameserver software package.
If you want to learn more about dig, here is the Linux dig man page.

This page is also available in German. Enjoy.
>>> If you would like to see this service in your or any other language, please send a translation.

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Recommended books about Networking.

You are coming from IP address using port 42025.
A DNS reverse lookup shows your hostname as ec2-3-136-19-141.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.

You are talking to server www.kloth.net ( on port 80 using the protocol HTTP/1.1.
Current date and time (UTC) on the server is 2024-06-01 (Sat) 12:18:44. It is the 153rd day of this year.

Document URL : http://www.kloth.net/services/dig.php
Copyright © 2003-2024 Ralf D. Kloth, Ludwigsburg, DE (QRQ.software). < hostmaster at kloth.net > [don't send spam]
Created 2003-10-20. Last modified 2011-01-30. Your visit 2024-06-01 12:18.44. Page created in 0.0535 sec.

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