Cannot open font file True : Fedora 17

This happens when i booted fedora up

This is because the system is looking for a font file named ‘True’ which is not actually present anywhere. So we have to make it look for the default font file. This is how you proceed.

Step 1: Open the grub file in the etc/default/ folder by executing the following command. (Be the root user first by using the “su -” command and entering your password.

vi /etc/default/grub

Step 2: Change the SYSFONT parameter specified inside.
When you open the file the SYSFONT will be


Replace that with


Step 3: Generate the grub configuration by executing the following command

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

This should resolve the issue


4 thoughts on “Cannot open font file True : Fedora 17

  1. not working for me! when I run ‘grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg’ it running forever….

    Can you post the example of the grub file looks like? I think something else wrong on my file…

    • jcqiu
      I’m not sure whats happening with you…
      But for now …
      Check the following things…
      1. See if you are the root user first.
      2. See if you can navigate through /boot/grub2/ using cd command…
      3. Check for typing mistakes…
      I’ll get back to you with the pic soon …

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