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All heroes need proper gear as they progress on their quests. Since they obviously can't run around fighting monsters naked, they wear armor and wield weapons. This is what is referred to as equipment.


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Famous Heroes

Lone Penguin 136th-level adventurer, member of the “Paramedics” guild, with the motto “Kernel panic [R]!”, stands at the 37th position in the pantheon of Arkeology under the vigilant supervision of the god Tux Tracer. Rumours are it takes at least one more than this hero to change a lightbulb.

Skarniginin 150th-level adventurer, member of the “IT Geeks” guild, with the motto “Dies Irae”, stands at the 116th position in the pantheon of Savings under the vigilant supervision of the god DGH. He always wanted to ride an elevator to experience the ups and downs of life, but never found the time.


Natural Selector heads are rumored to fetch an insane price in Godville's black market today. You didn't hear it from us.

Caught today: 107 pcs.

One-and-a-Halfling is wanted for putting a bounty on its own head. The reward is 2800 gold coins.

Caught today: 144 pcs.

Guild Spotlight

Harvest Moon is a totally secret organisation that might be 1st in the pantheon of Duelery and doesn't have 220 members. They call themselves “sickpuppy”. Can you imagine that? They are obsessed with Master of Puppies. The members of this guild are mostly civil while in public.

Notta Guild is a bunch of heroes and heroines occupying 52nd place in the pantheon of Duelery. Rumor says there are about 15 of them. Veterans in this guild call themselves “nottaquitter”. Totem beast of this guild is Starving Artist. The guild's current favorite place to party is “The Rusty Goblin”.

Guild popularity in

6% — Ankh-Morpork City Watch

5% — No Homers!

4% — Knights who say Ni

4% — Blue Feather

2% — Harvest Moon

2% — The Hitchhikers Guide

2% — The Wanderers

2% — ARM to Hand

1% — Cyronus

72% — (other guilds)

Buy and Sell

Coolcool7 is conducting a quality survey on the divine spark supply and offers excellent prices for any samples brought to “Bricks and Mortar”.

Found today: 66 pcs.

Analysts report that one mind opener could be worth a small fortune, in the right hands.

Found today: 51 pcs.


Try a very special dish at the local franchise of “Drunken Clam” restaurant. We'll bet you've never tried a “Shopping Mauler on a stick” before!
Feeling humiliated? Worthless? Come to Dessertown for the best classes in trolling and demagoguery!
Too heavy to walk? Ready to relieve you of half of your loot bag at your first wish.

Daily Forecast

• Prophets reported the successful cleaning of the ether channels, which is rumored to increase the efficiency of all temple prayers for today.

• Roadside traders are on strike. No one can ease the heroes' burden in the fields today.

Godpower Cap


Ideabox News

• 51 ideas entries were sent to the Ideabox yesterday. Does no one have a real life?

Tlazolteteo's extensive vocabulary was put on display in the Enhancement Room today. The exhibition closes at midnight. Don't miss out!

• Rumor has it that Vovochka lives in a box. The Ideabox.

Forum News

04:57 What is your hero doing *right now*?

04:32 Fun word game!

04:17 Gameplay Questions (if FAQ doesn't help)

03:02 Acronym game

01:43 The Tribble Game

Broken News

• Which is stronger — an Ergonomic Mouse or a Copywight? Place your bets at the “Fighting Cats” club.

• “Dear god! I've always wanted to rule the world and have a pony... Okay, just having a pony will be fine...” — writes Dowsk to his god... but why are we getting this request?

• The scientists of Bosswell claim that they've developed a new device enabling heroes to summon lightning and fireballs from the heavens. However, given the conservative views of most heroes, it is unlikely to catch on.

Market Quotes

1 bosscoin

6237 gold coins -9.2%

1 Godville invite

1025 gold coins +4.8%