Undressed Skeleton.

Blev helt sjukt imponerad när jag snubblade in på den här tjejens blogg av en slump. Hon är ett bevis på att man kan nå sina mål utan svält, hon förändrade sin livsstil med en ny sund diet och träning. Men blir också lite ledsen över vilken utseendefixerad värld vi lever i. Detta har hon skrivit på sin blogg:

"Do people treat you differently now that you’re thin? How do girls treat you differently? and how do you guys treat you differently?

It’s very sad how people out in the world can be sometimes. Even though my appearance has changed and I’m more confident in my skin , I still am the same girl! People do treat me differently, some girls are jealous so they start rumors that I am bulimic or using drugs. I have to just brush it off and smile because deep down inside I know how I lost weight, and it doesn’t matter what others think.

I am having a little trouble with guys now because I never know if a guy likes me for my personality. I have guys look at me now that would NEVER even say hi to me a year ago. I’m nice to them but I dont trust them and I wouldn’t give them a chance.

Some people are very supportive and nice! Not everyone treats me different! I even had some issues with some cousins and aunts that treated me horrible for losing weight! In times like that you just have to stay strong and somehow use that as motivation to prove them all wrong!

Sometimes it feels like you can never win, your either to big or to thin. So go with what makes you feel confident!!"

Hennes blogg: Undressed Skeleton.

Postat av: M E R E I

- nice!

2011-05-30 @ 11:51:15
URL: http://dajeroma.blogg.se/
Postat av: Ida

sv: Love you toooo, min sköna! <3

Om du ser ut som 10, ser jag ut som 5!!

OMG, hon hade då gått ner i vikt :O :O :O

2011-05-30 @ 16:36:37
URL: http://birdbrained.blogg.se/
Postat av: Karin

ooj fast nu såg hon ju alldeles för smal ut istället

2011-05-30 @ 18:20:22
URL: http://minegeninspiration.blogg.se/
Postat av: Madeleine - Livet i Oslo

SV: Ja, en iPhone vore ju inte helt fel :)

2011-05-30 @ 18:58:12
URL: http://nattstad.se/madeleinefroberg
Postat av: micka

helt makalöst. faschinerande!

2011-05-30 @ 22:43:34
URL: http://frayme.blogg.se/

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