
  PLMForum  Publicerad: 2010-04-12            



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Dassault Systèmes NORDICS PLM FORUM 5 Maj Göteborg, Swedem



The world is changing – build your future together with Dassault Systèmes!  

Learn, share and experience solutions for sustainable innovation and collaboration. Welcome to Dassault Systèmes Nordics PLM Forum, May 5, at Hotel 11 in Göteborg, Sweden.

Listen to keynote speaker Hasse Johansson, Chairman of Lindholmen Science Park and former Group Vice President of R&D at SCANIA, talking about innovation and leadership. From Dassualt Systèmes Michel Tellier, ENOVIA CEO, will give you the road to the future. There will be presentations from customers of various industries and sizes such as VOLVO, ESAB, Wave Stars, Nord West and Easy Form.

Please check the agenda for more information.
We also invite you to join one of three different workshops, May 6, covering V6 collaborative Innovation, 3D Lifelike experience and PLM Market Place, check PLM Forum Workshop Day for more information.

Take the opportunity to interact with your peers, attend live demos and meet PLM experts.

These events are free of charge.The number of seats is limited. Last day to register is April 28 .

Most welcome!



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