Webbplats om Daniel Lind


Please make sure you have latest version of DJ DeLuxe by browsing the Daniel Lind's web site for DJ DeLuxe updates. If you don't have the latest available version, we recommend updating your copy of DJ DeLuxe.

Technical support is available to all users of DJ DeLuxe, free of charge, (registered users receive premium support) through this Web site.

If you are reporting a technical issue, first:
  • Make sure you are using latest version of DJ DeLuxe.
  • Be prepared to provide us with your system information, such as what operating system you are using, how much RAM you have installed, what processor your computer has, Network Interfaces, etc.
  • Try to reproduce the issue, such that you can explain it step by step.


I love to listen to your ideas regarding features that you would like to see added, and will usually implement them in future updates.

Contact information can be found on the page about me.

© 2014 Daniel Lind Integritet