
This link is designated to people and organisations who have had and are having an impact on my life. Please forgive me if I have left anyone out and get in touch with me so I can add you also.

First and foremost I would like to thank the Almighty God for His continued grace and favour in my life.

To my mother for her love and patience.

My children Jerome, Aisha and Santino for giving me character.

Robert Primus my irrepleacable best friend who died of leukemia in August 2000 for saving my life on many occasions.

James Leaver my first coach and father figure.

Ricardo Fajardo for being there when no-one else was.

Celebrity Personal Trainer Jonathan Goodair for helping me become a Celebrity Personal Trainer.

Jenny Berggren and Jakob Petren for their inspiration.

Riaan Kotze for being a friend who always seems to be available.

Magnus Williamssen and Sportlife for the opportunity to show my skills.

Anders Palmquist for coaching me back to form and confidence when i had none.

Henrik Sandsjo for years of great photos.