Copyright © 2007 DayOne Publishing
The Mindfulness Wheel
Mindfulness Exercises
The Virtual Mindfulness Center
Mindfulness is a way of approaching the world. It requires a new way of thinking and sensing.

Approaching each day with intention and purposefulness is the cornerstone of mindfulness. In fact, it could be said that mindfulness is "living life on purpose." And as we abandon dwelling in the past or in the future, we learn to live each moment in an authentic way.
Select a category of mindfulness
The exercises here---listed at the right----are all meant to train the mind to this new approach to awareness. Try them anytime you wish to increase your mindful approach to life, to find freedom from stress and anxiety, or to learn more about enjoying the simplicity of the present moment.
Do you have a mindfulness exercise that you would be willing to share here at the Virtual Mindfulness Center? If your exercise is selected, you will have full attribution and links to your site.

Please contact us if you are interested at:
[email protected]