Nikon D800 Gets Highest DxOMark Score and Leads All Cameras

Nikon D800 DxOMark Score

DxO Labs performed their benchmark tests on the Nikon D800 and deemed it the best of all digital cameras. It earned an overall score of 95, which is 4 points better than all other cameras they have tested.

Perhaps to be expected, the D800 shines in landscape testing, boasting a 14.4 Ev dynamic range. The real surprise is its low light score of 2853 ISO — essentially the same score as the Nikon D4.

For portrait score, a measure of color depth, the D800 is tied for third place with a score of 25.3 bits, an amazing feat proving that it can stand among medium format rivals like the Phase One IQ 180 and P65 Plus.

Dynamic Range Comparison Nikon D800 vs Nikon D4

Color Sensitivity Comparison Nikon D800 vs Nikon D4

Signal to Noise Comparison Nikon D800 vs Nikon D4

See the DxO Announcement

See the Sensor Performance

See the DxO full test results

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  1. Pingback: DxO tests the D800E, gives it highest score yet. | Nikon D800

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