
Welcome to Lilla Bullerbyn – A Waldorf kindergarten in a rural setting

Lilla Bullerbyn is a kindergarten at Charlottendal’s farm, and currently has 28 children between the ages of 1-6 years. The non-profit association operating the kindergarten consists of parents, staff, farm residents and activity managers.

Charlottendal is a farm with forests and hay cultivation, a kind of farm of the future specialised in ecological building, with social activities at its center. About twenty individuals including four families live on site. While many go to work outside Charlottendal, the children and staff of the kindergarten create life and movement on the farm throughout the week. They take part in the work with animals and the garden, and children get to explore big and small creatures of the surrounding nature. The day’s rhythms, the beautiful surroundings and the personal contacts between children and adults create a safe framework for the work.

On joint working days and seasonal festivals, children, staff and parents come together. The two kindergarten houses are ecologically built and combine old building materials such as straw and clay with modern elements. The vision is to develop the organisation through ongoing cultural activities and maintaining closeness to animal life and gardening.

From a Jan 2024 report at SVT Södertälje about childrens need for outdoor activities;   https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/sodertalje/har-pa-forskolan-i-jarna-ar-barnen-ute-i-alla-vader-det-ar-roligt-att-vara-i-igloon