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Catholic Doors Ministry

The world's largest, most popular and most linked to
collection of Catholic prayers on the internet.

Prayers are your tools to answering God's call.

On March 25, 1999, Pope John-Paul II, the spiritual leader of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, called upon the world's 404,000 priests to teach the faithful how to pray. In obedience to the holy Pontiff, Catholic Doors Ministry has put together thousands of Catholic prayers to compile "A Treasure Of Catholic Prayers."

The first file below, "HOW TO PRAY," serves as a tool to teach effective praying to the faithful so they may enjoy a daily communion and spiritual growth in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The next files, listed in alphabetic order, contain a variety of prayers to meet the specific spiritual needs of the faithful.

May the grace of the Heavenly Father be with you as the Holy Spirit teaches you how to pray in the Most Holy Name of Jesus through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Click here to learn HOW TO PRAY

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Reflection On Prayer / How Was My Prayer Today?

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Click below on a Letter or word of your choice to view the index of prayers for that category.
| A | B | C | D | E |

F | G | H | I | J-K |

L | M | N | O | P-Q |

R | S | T | U | V |

W - X - Y - Z |

Blessings | Chaplets | Consecrations |

Litanies | Marian Prayers | Novenas |

Prefaces | Saints | Prayers of the Popes |

Other Prayers
French Prayers | Latin Prayers

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“Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” [Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2559]

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