Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the mute button?

The sound options are available in both the main menu and in game. Look in the upper right for a gear button. 'Sound Volume' controls all sound from the game. 'Music Volume' controls just the music. The volume settings are saved with your game.

How do I pause the game?

In Prelude we've disabled the pause function to prevent cheating. Sorry for any problems this causes, but there is no penalty in Prelude for re-trying a level.

Why do I lose my saved progress?

There is a rare bug that affects some players, preventing them from saving the game between sessions. We have been working to solve this. In Act 1 we will be using a different save system to avoid this problem.

Why don't you allow <some word> in the game?

We have a large dictionary, but it certainly has gaps. Feel free to send us any that you find are missing and we'll include them in the next update. As clockwords is a family game, we don't allow profanity.

The game sometimes runs slowly for me, what can I do?

We are working more options, but you can lower the flash 'Quality' setting by right clicking on the game and selecting 'Medium' or 'Low'.

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Act 3

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