The Brain, The Heart and The Law of Attraction

Posted on by Sen.

This physical machine that we call our body has two centers/organs with “perception intelligence” – the heart and the brain. These two organs, in combination, dictate and create our physical experience.

The heart is constantly feeding the brain through its emotional signals and the brain in turn feeds the heart out of the vibrations created from its perceptions. It has been studied biologically that the signals of the heart are transmitted to the brain via the blood stream (through “coded information” protein-molecules called neuropeptides) while the brain’s signals are transmitted to the entire body (including the heart) in terms of the vibration it produces (for example, a fearful thought creates a vibration of fear which is felt in the body and accessed by the heart).

So the heart feeds the brain, which in turn feeds the heart and thus creates a cycle of amplification of any signal that got started.

In an unconscious state of being, the heart and the brain can enter into a some specific “cycles” that they get used to and keep replaying it, causing repetition of certain experiences on daily basis.

Your childhood is when specific cycles get started. If you were brought up in unhappy surroundings the cycle that gets created is one of unhappiness where the heart feeds signals of unhappiness to the brain which in turn creates images of unhappiness (which create a vibration of resistance) and feeds this vibration back to the heart, creating a cycle.

On the other hand if you were brought up in happy surroundings the cycle that gets created is one that reinforces the happy state of being.

The cycle that gets activated in you during your childhood is not in your in control because you hardly have the awareness to make a conscious change as a child. But as an adult, who is conscious of his/her choice of aligning with positivity, one can consciously change their “default” cycle into the type of cycle they want – which is a cycle of happiness.

How the brain gets addicted to a cycle of emotion

The heart senses the signals around it (signals created by its own brain and signals created around it in its surroundings from other brains) and sends messages about these signals to the brain by packaging this information in messenger molecules (called neuropeptides) and pushing then into the blood stream.

When the heart senses signals of sadness it creates a certain type of neuro-peptides, when it senses signals of fear it creates a certain type of neuropeptides, in the same way for signals of peace/calm, joy, hatred etc.

In simple words, the heart creates a specific type of neuropeptide cell for every type of emotion. These molecules are received by the brain via the blood stream, and the information coded in these neuropeptide molecules are imbibed by the brain cells – this is how the heart feeds the brain.

Depending on the type of neuropeptide cell that the brain receives, from the heart, it creates “interpretations”, and perceptions, in the form of images or sounds.

For example, a neuropeptide of fear makes the brain create perceptions, images, and sounds (self-talk), of fear. The vibration created by the brain, due to these perceptions, is felt in the body, and accessed by the heart, which in turn produces more neuropeptides of the same type to feed into the brain.

The focus of your awareness on the images and self-talk of the brain causes an amplification of these vibrations (anything you focus on activates a force of attraction or amplification) creating strong signals to the heart which responds by incrementing the number of neuropeptides it sends out. This is how a cycle of emotion gets created.

Here’s the reason why the brain gets addicted to a certain emotional cycle:

The brain is constantly shedding old brain cells and creating new brain cells. When it creates a new brain cell it takes into consideration the type of neuropeptide that it’s most frequently getting from the heart and designs the new brain cell with higher receptivity to that particular neuropeptide.

For example, if sadness is the neuropeptide it receives on constant basis from the heart, then the new brain cells will be designed with a cell-membrane that has higher/easy receptivity to neuropeptides of sadness and less receptivity to neuropeptides of joy. In simple words, the new brain cells would find it easier to identify with sadness and would find it “confusing” to identify with joy.

Over the years, your brain gets shaped with cells that have strong receptivity to a certain type of emotion – so if you’ve been predominantly living in negative emotional states, your brain has cells with highest receptivity to neuropeptides of negative emotions.

So when you become conscious of your negativity and decide to become positive, you sense that it’s really tough to be positive for more than few seconds because your brain cells “don’t get it”, they want negative emotional states because that’s what they are programmed to receive.

The withdrawal symptoms of letting go of negativity

Hopefully the explanation above makes it clear to you why you have such a hard time becoming positive now when you’ve predominantly been in negative emotional states through your life time. This is the reason why you need to be easy on yourself, though you understand “positivity”, the majority of your brain cells are not ready yet to be receptivity of these new neuropeptides of positivity.

Your brain cells are addicted to neuropeptides that they are used to, and will create images, and self-talk, to cause the heart to produce them. This the reason why your brain feels out of control and focuses on negative thoughts when you want to think positive. The brain simply creates negative images and self-talk in order to create signals of negativity so that the heart can produce neuropeptides of negative emotions that the brain cells are familiar with, and have a receptivity for.

This whole process is in sync with the law of attraction which is the principle of creation in your being. It’s not possible to “immediately” shift your brain into positive after having unconsciously fed it neuropeptides of negative emotion for so many years. Your brain craves the neuropeptides that it’s used to, even if they are negative and create negative feelings (just like how the brain of a smoker craves nicotine molecules in its blood cells). To break free from the cycle of negative emotion is like breaking a huge addiction in the brain, and it takes time and willingness to go through some unpleasant “withdrawal symptoms” for a while (that’s why I sometimes refer to the phase of letting go of negativity as the “detox” phase).

How letting go reprograms the brain cells

The practice of letting go is the swiftest way to reprogram your brain cells. Letting go is simply about staying as a space of relaxed awareness allowing the brain to get over its withdrawal symptoms, to allow the brain to get over its craving for negative emotions. When you stay as a space of relaxed awareness you don’t “focus” on the negative images and self-talk that the brain creates (in its hunger for negative neuropeptides) and thus you don’t amplify/fuel these signals. Also, your state of being as a relaxed space causes your heart to send out neuropeptides of peace/calm to the brain more and more.

Within a few months of staying in this state of being, on consistent basis, your brain cells will get programmed to be receptive to neuropeptides of peace/calm/joy and less receptive to negative neuropeptides. This will create a “positive cycle” to start between your heart and your brain, and from here on it just keeps getting rooted in positivity.

If you want you can also use some “tricks”, now and then, to expedite this process of entering into a positive cycle. Here are few pointers.

1: Put a smile on your face every time the brain gets into a negative cycle. The brain constantly creates the image of your facial expression, so when you have a smile on your face it’s forced to create an image of a smiling face. This causes a contradiction within it and it will sooner be forced to create images that match the expression of a smiling face.

2: Most of us have a fondness for music. So whenever the brain gets into a negative cycle, just plug on some of your favorite music (even if your brain is not in the mood for it). The music will soon have an effect on the brain in that it will create positive images and sounds, this relaxation causes the heart to generate neuropeptides of happiness/peace.

3: Take up an activity that’s relaxing to your being, go out for a walk, go on a drive, hit the treadmill, read a positive book, watch something entertaining etc your brain may not feel in the mood for a positive activity because of its craving for negative neuropeptides, but when you consciously shift into a positive activity it causes your brain to have no choice but to plug into positive signals soon enough.

These techniques may be tough to execute initially especially when there is a strong momentum of negativity in the brain. So the best thing to do is just stay as space of open awareness allowing the momentum to die down slowly. In fact, when you stay as a space of relaxed awareness you are automatically inspired by the intelligence of your life stream in the right activity for the moment that aligns you with peace/joy.

To stay in a space of relaxed awareness is by far the most effective means to reprogram your brain because it causes you to connect with the intelligence of your wholeness (which touches your brain through its intelligences) and causes your heart to have access to the joy/peace/love inherent to your being or life-stream. The state of relaxed awareness disconnects your focus from the negativity in the mind and the external reality, and allows your focus to rest on the “inner” space of wholeness of life.

Once the “positive cycle” falls into place in between your heart and brain, it’s a cinch for you to maintain a positive state being on consistent basis thus attracting a strongly positive reality.

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  1. Treeter

    Dear Sen,
    I really appreciate this article! Your reasoning is logical and consistent. And yes the explanation above makes it clear why I have such a hard time becoming positive. As I’m working on changing my default cycles and a attracting a positive reality. I’m wondering how to handle a consistent barrage of negativity from say a family gathering where everyone else is in their unconscious behavior? You say it takes time and a willingness but I want to just isolate myself. Thank you for sharing your talents.

    1. Sen Post author

      Your being is well capable of handling any situation that arises in the now. Don’t fret or worry about a future situation by contemplating the various possible negative scenarios. If the mind is rooted in contemplating negative scenarios, just allow it to have it noise with you staying as a space of relaxed awareness. Don’t identify with the mind totally, but allow it to have its movement – don’t try to shut it up. This simple state of being will slowly dissolve all the negative momentum that has been gathered in your being over the years of unconscious identification.

  2. Gool

    A very erudite article indicating deep perception of the writer. Reminds one of J. Krishnamurti. Thanks for a good intellectual feast.

  3. Lee


    OCD in it’s truth

    Why on earth don’t the books, media and the medical profession explain it like this? Maybe it would help those who are truly on the brink of the unthinkable.

  4. Samir

    Sen, thanks, this is a great post and extremely practical.

  5. M

    Hi Sen
    When I understand something I become less fearful of it.
    Because of your articles I am understanding more and more.
    So many thanks once again

    1. Treeter


  6. M

    What a coincidence
    It was only this morning that I remembered reading something years ago suggesting that when you smile it’s very hard to have negative thoughts, then I find that you have explained it fully.
    It made me truly smile
    Thank you

  7. Alliswell

    Once again, I love your insight, Sen.
    I am still having trouble with understanding something, though.

    When to let negativity go and when to act on it? Example: Make a life changing decision. Leave a job or break up a relationship?

    If you are in a situation/relationship where there is a lot of negative chatter, does that mean the situation/relationship is not right for you? or that you need to let the negativity go? If it was right for you, there wouldn’t be negativity?

    1. Sen Post author

      The external reality is a match to the vibrational content of your inner space. The external reality of human race is a reflection of the vibrational content present in human consciousness, whereas your personal reality is a reflection of your personal/individual mind or brain. You are part of human consciousness, and thus are privy to the world reality, and you also have your individual personal reality that you attract based on your personal vibrational content. Every aspect present in your personal reality creates a personal experience for you, but your experience itself is attracted/created by your vibrational point of attraction. When you change aspects of your vibration you will see an equivalent shift in your external reality also. If you are undecided about whether to leave a situation or stay in it, it just means your vibrational stand point has not reached a place where a concrete shift can be made – it’s vacillating or volatile, and for a concrete shift to happen a consistent vibration is required. When you are free of conflicts within yourself, you will also be free of conflicts outside yourself.

      The best way to look at your external reality is as a “feedback” mechanism because it’s the best feedback you get about your inner state of being. For example, if you see people being negative towards you in your personal reality, you would see a pattern in your mind where you are being negative towards yourself. It’s not possible for you to attract people who are strongly negative towards you without you have strong patterns of negativity towards yourself. The mind does not want to accept that it’s personal reality created solely through its reflection, it would prefer to blame the others because it does not want to look at its own negativity. But if you asked a “neutral” person to give you an honest opinion about what they sense in your vibe, he/she would be able to sense the negativity within you that’s attracting your negative situation. For example, there are some people who ask – “I am really nice to others and always polite, I am always thinking positive, but still attract some people who try to put me down and try to drag me into their misery – how am I attracting this” and in all cases they would have some pattern of “I am superior to others” or “I am inferior to others” going on in them, which ultimately translates to “I dont like others but I will be nice to them anyway” or “I don’t really like who I am” and this vibration of subtle hatred is what attracts hatred from the outside in their personal reality. If you are willing to be brutally honest with yourself you will always identify the exact pattern in your mind that’s attracting the negativity in your personal reality.

      As long as your focus is purely on working towards constantly dissolving the negative patterns within, you are in a powerful place where you will have consistent, and swift, progress towards positive reality. However, if your focus is on blaming the outside without wanting to see your own inner state of being, it’s a very powerless place to be because you deny your potential/responsibility as a creator and thus feel like a prisoner to the outside – all that happens in such cases is that you keep escaping situations only to end up in a similar situation with a different face. Always use your external reality purely as a feedback mechanism of your inner state of being and your progress. As your inner space becomes free of negativity your external space will automatically reflect it, you can be rest assured that life’s movement will take care of orchestrating the necessary events to make the shift externally (decisions will become clear in you, or they will get made for you from outside). Your job is only to do the inner work consistently, this is where your power lies – the outside is purely a reflection of the inside.

  8. Alliswell

    If you are in a situation that is disrespectful to you, then you have allowed it due to your negative beliefs about yourself. If you had self-respect, you would not have gotten into the situation or allowed it, correct?

    1. Sen Post author

      That’s right, the more chronic the self-criticism a person indulges in the more strongly he/she feels its reflection in his/her external reality. Also if you crave the approval of others, this “neediness” is also reflected in some negative feedback from the people in your personal reality.

  9. Alliswell

    and you are also saying that if you feel jealous or insecure in a relationship, it is not the relationship, it is you that is mostly likely creating the insecurity by your negative belief system. So, to move to another relationship ( to avoid the negativity) does not make sense, because the problem within yourself has not been resolved?
    There should be no jealousy or insecurity in any good relationship because you are secure and not in need of acceptance by the other person. If they leave you, you are ok without them.

    1. Sen Post author

      When you are no longer totally identified with the mind, there is a space of wholeness which is always present and the mind operates in this space. In this state of being you are not pulled into any of the mind’s fears and hence it does not penetrate your being – also the mind is in touch with your wholeness and hence it operates in a field of wisdom. The mind will always have some elements of possessiveness and some fears owing to its design as a survival machine, but now there is a spaciousness within you that is no longer totally into the mind – there is a constant sense of resting in a wholeness rather than being contracted into the mind. When you are in this state of being, your are moved into the right actions and the congruent realities in an effortless manner. When you are in this state of being your relationships are harmonious and they reflect the wholeness you feel within – even if you do leave a relationship it would just feel like a mutual/smooth movement rather than a movement of bitterness/friction, everything is drama free.

      That’s why the pointer is to just keep moving into this place inside you by staying dis-identified with the mind’s negativity, so that it can ebb away in force and thus allow you to recognize the wholeness of your being. When you focus on this inner work, when a relationship is no longer congruent with you, it will ebb away on its own either by the other person moving out or by you inherently feeling guided towards leaving (you won’t be undecided about it), and when such relationships dissolve you won’t feel a sense of hurt, emptiness or bitterness within you. It’s not possible to pretend to be in this place, it’s just something you experience authentically when you are connected with the wholeness of your being.

  10. Alliswell

    Wow… that seems tough.. but I completely agree.

  11. Alex

    hi sen

    are you a psychologist ?

    1. Sen Post author

      Alex, I am not a psychologist by qualification. My formal educational qualification is that of an engineer.

    2. Ahmed

      Dear Sen , in many places i notice that you say ‘relax awareness’. I hope this ‘relax awareness’ means the state of mind which can evaluate the condition of mind. In other words, when you are in a position of witnessing every thought of you mind, then you are in state of ‘relax awareness’. I hope what i mean is right. If you could give better explanation then it would be very helpful to attain this state

  12. L

    Thank you so much for your writings, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate these articles. I’ve let myself fall back into the usual patterns of anxiety, worrying that I would have to go on medication again to resolve my excess obsessive and stressful thoughts, feeling so powerless. I couldn’t have stumbled upon this at a better time!

  13. Chetana

    So full of wisdom and strength and yet conveyed in a simple way. Thank you Sen.

  14. joe

    What do you mean by staying as a space of relaxed awareness?

    1. Sen Post author

      Joe, it simply means to no longer have your awareness lost in the mind’s pull, and just watch the mind movement in a relaxed manner, as if you were watching something outside you. As you continue practicing this relaxed awareness the mind’s momentum keep slowing down and you no longer feel at the mercy of the mind’s fluctuating states. You can read this post – practice of relaxed awareness

  15. Preet

    So thought provoking Sen. My words are short to express the praise of this article. I already had insights about it but you clarified them more. I have a question please: In past neurologist or psychologists believed that habits or beliefs are set at neuronal connection in brain while modern energy psychologists believe habits are nothing but configuration of photon in electromagnetic field–they call it mind. Your article gives emphasis on both theories about neuronal connection and heart recieves messages from surrounding minds. Can you please clarify my confusion? Thanks


    1. Sen Post author

      Preet, they are both basically saying the same thing – the electromagnetic field created by a thought is what gives the fuel to create neural pathways. The term “mind” just means the thinking space, and hence it just means thoughts. Thoughts gain momentum from our focus on them, and hence their electromagnetic field becomes stronger and this causes the physical “grouping” of neural pathways (or neuronal connection) to reflect this path. You can look at the neuronal connection as a “condensed” electromagnetic signal. The heart obviously senses these thought vibrations in its mind and its surroundings.

  16. vaibhav

    It was a pleasure reading this wonderful article. Vipasna meditation also talks about detached awareness, but it was presented quite scientifically yet simply by you. Thanks a lot.

  17. A.

    I understand that your theory is based on mixture of Hindu and Buddhist philosophies and that the type of thought examining you are describing is very similar to Vipassana meditation. Hopefully you are motivated from a place of compassion. I am curious to know where it is in the world that you live and what kind of services/resources are inherent to that locality that allow you to sustain yourself. Thoughts that (over time) shape impulses grow differently in different geographic locations, just as do plants. So if you are in a locale where things naturally expand as opposed to constrict then then your thoughts will resonate accordingly.
    If all things are in fact just part of a stream of absolute positive energy then why must one incarnate into a form that has sensory perception and a mind machine that has the ability to generate painful and negative thoughts that manifest into perceivable physical realities. I have experienced much loss in my life and have searched for many ways out of the suffering generated by those experiences but have been continuously disappointed by both my inability to control my own mind and by my seemingly unrelated external circumstances. Whatever it is that has been imprinted in my being I would like to change and have worked both diligently and persistently to do so but I am still very aware of negativity in my self and my circumstances. I am aware that there is a system of balance in almost every human civilization that is in place to help form the experience of duality (AKA self and others), which is of course, quite contrary to the characteristics of the pure stream of cosmic life/love/positive energy that you endorse as 100% available. …and in regards to this system, my joys have not matched my sufferings in both intensity and frequency. I am aware of where my interests are and which part of them seem to be motivated by biological impulses or rather, karmic debts disguised as biological impulses, of which I do not want the burden of due to the amount of suffering they have caused me mentally, emotionally and physically. I am specifically referring to issues such as the loss of loved ones due to untimely deaths, infidelity, and problems regarding finances as well as the by-product feelings of residual anger and jealousy that range in intensity and are almost always part of my daily experience. If you have any insights into this PLEASE HELP.

    1. Sen Post author

      “Observing the mind” is just one aspect of growing in awareness, that alone does not free you, in fact if you use it as a technique like the meditation you mentioned it can well become another form of a mind game. I don’t have any real knowledge of Hindu or Buddhist philosophies, and I’ve no real interest in philosophies, my motivation was always to have a scientific understanding of the reality of life, to have an understanding that allows me to work with life rather than against it. The term “pure positive” is misleading and I’ve stopped using that term in my later posts, I only used this term in my older posts – I prefer using the term “wholeness” as it’s a better pointer towards the state of balance I am talking about. You can read the below posts for more insights

  18. Sonya

    Hello Sen, I am taking Zoloft and needing and increase.
    I have days where I feel normal then days that
    I have rushes of fear. Also my mind starts wondering
    And reasoning. Thinking about what’s wrong with me.
    Ever since I was a child I had anxiety.. So now
    When I feel anxiety or a rush of fear feelings,
    I say oh no not again.. Then I start obsessing
    About it and trying to figure out if it’s me causing this
    To come on because I don’t know when it will
    Happen again. Or is it my hormones playing a part.
    My dr has me taking some kolonipin to.
    So what I am saying is some of this mind stuff,
    Can actually b from a chemical imbalance .
    I don’t want to think about the way I’m feeling.
    Or will I feel anxiety or panic today. But it’s like
    My mind has a mind of its own.. Hope I’m making
    since. What I’m trying to say is sometimes
    It stress that causes overload on the body,
    And hormones also can play a big part in the
    Way the brain works. Like a lack of serotonin .
    Can u shine some light on this? Thanks..

    1. Sen Post author

      Sonya, it’s like a loop, when the mind goes into stress it causes the body to become dysfunctional (reduces the functioning intelligence of the body) and when the body becomes dysfunctional it’s not able to assimilate the required nutrients, or maintain chemical balance, in the body which eventually causes more imbalance physically (like a hormonal imbalance or chemical imbalance) which in turn affects the mind to go into more stress. Basically, the starting point is the “momentum of negativity” in the mind which spills into physical problems like hormonal and chemical imbalance. As a child you may have accumulated this momentum even before birth, in the womb, or if you want to believe in past life, you can even carry it forth from the accumulation of a past life. The reasons are not important, right now what’s important is to work on the solution. Since the root cause is the momentum of negativity in the mind, you need to work on reducing this momentum as your primary objective. The way to reduce this momentum is through the practice of “allowing” (basically if you practice sitting alone, without distraction, for 20-30 mins a day, and simply allow a free movement of your mind and emotions, it will cause you to get grounded in this state of allowing). You can read more about the state of allowing in this post

      As your mind momentum reduces, it will directly cause the emotional stress to reduce on the body, which will allow more vitality to the body and thus allow for a natural healing to take place which balances the chemical/hormonal imbalance. You can take medications as per your inspiration, but the root cause is associated with your mind’s momentum.

  19. subash ashok

    Hi Sen, I found your article very useful, and you have replayed to almost every query put forth to you, thanks for that, My probelm is that I know that i can control the mind, i did it, for a week it was calm, thoughts were less negative and i was happy, again later after a week again the same old story i have negative thoughts, do you think it will take a long journey for me get rid of it.


  20. La'gurl

    This is exactly what I needed to read. I’ve been on my journey to seeking balance for about a year now. Sometimes it’s really difficult for me because it feels like my mind has one mode of thinking programmed into it and I want to think balanced thoughts. It’s causing my chakra to tingle sometimes in my head. I can feel the energy inside myself getting more balanced but I know it takes time. I’m going to try and apply some of the techniques you mentioned above.

  21. Anonymous

    even I have the same problem some days when I try hard 2 be positive I feel positive then the next day I feel like hell, I mean I feel depressed. This goes on some days are positive while others are negative. I got the reason behind this from the article…thanx a lot SEN.

  22. Tadar Amar

    Sir, I have a doubt. If a person love listening to ‘sad’ songs, then while listening to it what kind of neuropeptide will be generated? will it be a sad one, because he/she is listening to sad song or will it be a happy one as he/she is loving that song.

  23. Pavlo

    Greetings dearest Sen,

    I hope you are well.

    It’s been 5 months since I posted anything to you and thought I’d give
    you, as well as the readers of your fine blog an update of my progress in
    my journey thus far.
    I’m firmly rooted in Wholeness in the sense I’m totally
    allowing of all that enters my field of awareness on a daily basis. Prior
    to finding your blog in March 2012 I was meditating on simply observing
    thoughts and emotions with no scientific understanding of what I was doing.
    Yes, that practice did allow for a “gap” between thoughts/emotions and the
    space of Being but I had no idea or understanding of the process required
    for true healing, liberation from the mind, and transformation to take root and grow.
    I also fully realize that each of us has a journey of growth of realization and
    understanding which is unique to each of us so I can only relay my
    own experiences as they pertain to me. One thing I now understand
    is that our brain “interprets ” reality according to its experiences whether they
    are rooted in reality or not. The more those experiences were a result of actions from
    highly unaware care-givers as was my case, (plus a good deal of genetic information as well) then the more I was disconnected from my life stream, or wholeness/totality of life itself.

    My life has changed dramatically in the past five months. I am still
    in the process of releasing emotional accumulation and still have some
    mind momentum at times but I’m a far cry from being totally “possessed”
    and at the whim of my mind which was highly imbalanced and quite frankly
    dangerous to my well being. I don’t know how long it will take
    for my emotional accumulation to empty, it’s been seven months
    of release, and I still go through extreme release where I feel intense
    pressure in my brain, almost like there’s a high pressure air hose connected
    to the base of my brain. When I have an intense release, this pressure
    expands quite intensely, like someone opening the “air valve” and my head is
    filled with pressure. This is the most accurate way I can describe the sensation
    of energy release.
    My old external reality which was a reflection of my inner turmoil
    is changing. My old career is gone, some of my friends which were part
    of my old reality have gone, I am in the midst of a career change. I have yet
    to know what to do next. Yes there is fear, yes there is uncertainty, yes there
    is some guilt (for putting my parents through this). I acknowledge all these feelings,
    I don’t resist them, I am not afraid, I allow them totally , but I don’t “focus”
    on these thoughts, I allow my attention to remain un-contracted. Ideas about
    what to do come and go, if they go its because they aren’t congruent with
    my nature. Yes it’s painstaking, but I’m learning to trust life. I fully
    realize this type of dramatic life transformation can’t be forced, life will
    show me when I am ready to be shown by life. Ideas come and go but if I decide on a career choice
    which is motivated by fear because of my current “situation” then I won’t
    be acting out of self expression, I would be acting from a position of fear
    which will never be conducive to my natural expression. So, I wait patiently
    and I heal as I’m waiting and my strength expands as I’m waiting and my understanding
    expands as I’m waiting. Life will show me somehow, of that I’m sure. I may be
    economically deprived throughout this process, and down the line possibly to a greater
    extent than I am right now but I accept whatever comes my way. I trust life
    to show me simply because my brain with all it’s limited conditioned/programmed “knowledge”
    it acquired along the way, and in its genetic inheritance, its constant identification
    with fear almost killed me.

    I can’t overstate the importance of Sen’s pointers in his posts. Some
    may resonate, some may not, both are fine. If pointers don’t resonate
    then drop them but more often than not you’ll find that pointers which
    don’t resonate at specific points during your journey WILL make sense once
    understanding, growth and clarity come to you.

    I don’t know where my journey will lead, but I know exactly where
    I was and how far I’ve come.

    My growth continues, all the best to you Sen, my friend, may you
    continue to be light and healing to all who you may cross and to those
    who may come across your writings.

    Sincerely yours,

  24. mira

    hello sen your article is impressive , may be the medical terms were a little bet complicated for me but i appreciate every word of it, in one of the comments you talked about the minute you can leave a relationship smoothelly without even pitterness and i want to say this absolutely happened with me after a 3 years struggling in drama and pain cycles finally after working on my self for two years i was able to get free from this cycle and now iam creating new patterns new brain cells and new reality for my self and my whole life….

    now my question for you i have started my new business and with the help of think and grow rich i put targets numbers and the amount of success i want to reach , just yesterday after a training i got to the idea of reprogramming my subconscious mind to get me to the success i want but how i get to do that in a full value
    and how i can get the full potential of my energy using the sexual energy in creating passion to my wealth achieving in the same time i will not give up my romance life , my only concern is that i am changing very fast now and that man i am attracted to today i could tomorrow forget and that puts me on unstable position i don’t recommend for me in this stage for i need the full back up system to my ultimate success

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