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About Us is the world’s first and only classical music DAILY. Taking advantage of the latest electronic publishing technology, is proud to offer what the audience for classical music has long been waiting for: comprehensive review coverage of new recordings that’s both accurate and completely up-to-date.

Unlike conventional magazines, with their limited space and huge lead-times between release dates and review publication, updates its news and reviews each day. There’s no waiting for months and months to see if a recording by your favorite artist or composer will ever get reviewed. Our staff of internationally respected critics and music journalists is constantly at work, listening to and writing about each month’s new releases.

We hope that you’ll take the time to browse around our site and get to know us. prides itself on offering trenchant reviews backed by a clear, 1-10 rating system of both performance and sound. In addition to the new reviews posted each day, we also highlight a select group of the month’s best recordings: those that receive our 10/10 rating, as well as a specially selected Disc of the Month. Special feature articles include coverage of major reissues, artist interviews, comparative discographies, and thoughtful essays about recordings of special merit.

Whether you’re a confirmed classical music record junkie, or just beginning your discovery of this vast musical legacy, offers you the maximum amount of useful and reliable information in the clearest, most concise format possible. We’re here to help you make sense out of the often bewildering variety of classical music recordings, and our goal is simple: to help you locate and acquire the music you enjoy. The world of classical music is a wonderful place, full of beauty, emotion, drama, excitement and surprises. Join us, and let’s explore it together!

David Vernier
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  • Ideally Cast Met Revival of Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette
    Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, NY; March 19, 2024—The Met has revived Bartlett Sher’s 1967 production of Gounod’s R&J hot on the heels of its
  • An Ozawa Story, November, 1969
    Much has justifiably been written regarding Seiji Ozawa’s extraordinary abilities and achievements as a conductor, and similarly about his generosity, graciousness, and sense of humor
  • Arvo Pärt’s Passio At St. John The Divine
    Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York, NY; January 26, 2024—When one thinks of musical settings of Christ’s Passion, one normally thinks of the