TITULOS de Edición y distribución cooperativa

Media & Glocal Change
Rethinking Communication for Development

Oscar Hemer & Thomas Tufte (editors)

Textos completos

Media & Glocal Change
Rethinking Communication for Development

Oscar Hemer & Thomas Tufte (editors)

Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Kevin Robins, Asu Aksoy, Oscar Hemer, Silvio Waisbord, Jan Servaes, Patchanee Malikhao, Thomas Tufte, Nancy Morris, Maria Celeste Cadiz, James Deane, Ulla Carlsson, Tim Allen, Nicole Stremlau, Rafael Obregon, Mario Mosquera, Paolo Mefalopulos, Karin Gwinn Wilkins, Madanmohan Rao, Manne Granqvist, Sarat Maharaj, Gilane Tawadros, Alfonso Gumucio-Dagron, Ullamaija Kivikuru, Kemal Kurspahic, Gordon Adam, Clemencia Rodríguez, Minou Fuglesang, Kate Winskell, Daniel Enger, Ricardo Ramírez, Arvind Singhal, Peer J. Svenkerud, Prashant Malaviya, Everett M. Rogers, Vijay Krishna, Christopher Kamlongera

Publicaciones Cooperativas [colección]
ISBN [10]: 987-1183-26-7
Argentina, Buenos Aires, CLACSO, septiembre 2005 (23 x 16 cm.) 493 pag


This book is about exploring both the potential and the limits of communication -of using communication both as a tool and as a way of articulation processes of development and social change, improving averday lives, and empowering people to influence their own lives and those of their fellow community members. The essence is communication. The dilemma is that communication will not solve every problem, althought it can contribute in some ways to problem- solving -we just need to get better at knowing how. The discipline of communication to development is currently at a crossroads, and the approaches taken over the last few decades require serious rethinking. Technologies are evolving on everthing -and communication concerned with debates and issues relating to development and change in society. The aim of this book is a contribute to the critical reflection about how communicaction works in process of change within the contexts of globalization.


Oscar Hemer & Thomas Tufte

Introduction: The challenge of the glocal
Oscar Hemer & Thomas Tufte

Part I.

Globalization, media and culture
Chapter 1
How can the glocal be local? Islam, the West and the globalisation of identity politics
Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Chapter 2
New complexities of transnational media cultures
Kevin Robins & Asu Aksoy
Chapter 3
Writing the world
Oscar Hemer

Communication and social change
Chapter 4
Five key ideas: coincidences and challenges in development communication
Silvio Waisbord
Chapter 5
Participatory communication: the new paradigm?
Jan Servaes & Patchanee Malikhao
Chapter 6
Communicating for what? How globalization and HIV/AIDS push the ComDev agenda
Thomas Tufte

Chapter 7
The diffusion and participatory models: a comparative analysis
Nancy Morris
Chapter 8
Communication for empowerment. The practice of participatory communication in development
Maria Celeste Cadiz
Chapter 9
Entertainment-education in development communication
Between marketing behaviours and empowering people

Thomas Tufte

Part II

Mapping the field
Chapter 10
Media, democracy and the public sphere
James Deane
Chapter 11
From NWICO to global governance of the information society
Ulla Carlsson
Chapter 12
Media policy, peace and state reconstruction
Tim Allen & Nicole Stremlau
Chapter 13
Participatory and cultural challenges
for research and practice in health communication

Rafael Obregon & Mario Mosquera
Chapter 14
Communication for sustainable development: applications and challenges
Paolo Mefalopulos
Chapter 15
Out of focus: gender visibilities in development
Karin Gwinn Wilkins
Chapter 16
The information society: visions and realities in developing countries
Madanmohan Rao
Chapter 17
Assessing ICT in development: a critical perspective
Manne Granqvist
Chapter 18
‘We were nobody, we were nothing’: art, communications and memories of underdevelopment
Sarat Maharaj & Gilane Tawadros

Part III

Case studies
Chapter 19
Miners’ radio stations. A unique communication experience from Bolivia
Alfonso Gumucio-Dagron
Chapter 20
The citizen, media and social change in Namibia
Ullamaija Kivikuru
Chapter 21
Missed opportunities in post-war Bosnia
Kemal Kurspahic
Chapter 22
Radio in Afghanistan: socially useful communications in wartime
Gordon Adam
Chapter 23
From the Sandinista revolution to telenovelas: the case of Puntos de Encuentro
Clemencia Rodríguez
Chapter 24
SiMchezo! magazine. Community media making a difference
Minou Fuglesang
Chapter 25
Young voices travel far: a case study of Scenarios from Africa
Kate Winskell & Daniel Enger
Chapter 26
Communication function in an evolving context of rural development
Ricardo Ramírez
Chapter 27
Bridging digital divides. Lessons learned from the IT initiatives of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
Arvind Singhal, Peer J. Svenkerud, Prashant Malaviya, Everett M. Rogers & Vijay Krishna
Chapter 28
Theatre for Development in Africa
Christopher Kamlongera

Notes on the authors

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