Catholic Pilgrimage

by City Web Guides


Why a Catholic Pilgrimage?

We chose to embark on a catholic pilgrimage as a means to truly lose ourselves and to see whether the body and soul could truly experience something close to ‘inner peace’. A pilgrimage is designed to test the body and soul, to test the strength and will of man. To be able to reach the destination is not the as important as the journey itself. We wanted to find out what we could learn about ourselves.

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Along the Way

The pilgrimage took approximately 60 days, travelling with no belongings or possessions were definitely a wonderful experience. Along the way we met so many amazing people, and we even got the chance to meet others who started their own Christian pilgrimage. We shared fruitful stories full of happiness and understanding. Learning and gaining insight into the experiences of others shed a light on the beautiful aspects of Israel.

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At times we would continue travelling alone, the loneliest times we spent on the road helped us see a great deal of happiness through solitary. I spent days reflecting on myself and it was the best thing that could of happened to me. It was during my holy land tours that I was able find completeness and inner strength.

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To complete an actual catholic pilgrimage was an accomplishment I would have never imagined possible. To finally complete my pilgrimage in 60 days made me absolutely fall in love with Israel. The people, the food, the culture has to be amongst the best countries I have visited in the world.