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Contact Us

Maybe you have a question or you would like to find out how to find us. Find all the ways you can contact Cambridge Car and Van Rental below.

Opening Hours

Normal opening hours

Adjusted dates

25/12/2024 to 26/12/2024Closed

Forms of Contact

You can contact us in one of the following ways to discuss a booking, rental or our service:

01223 464045
Our telephones are active during our opening hours.

We operate a very quick response time during our opening hours. If we are closed, we will reply to your as soon as we open.

303-305 Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5 8JE
Please allow up to 7 working days for us to reply to you by post.

Contact Details

If our office is closed and you have an issue during your rental, we advise using the following telephone numbers.

Tyres (like for like tyres required)
National Tyres0161 429 1066
KwikFit0800 75 76 77
Silvershield0800 5877895
Autoglass0333 999 0100
Recovery Numbers
Citroen0800 197 2046
DS0800 877 8455
Fiat0800 342 80000
Ford0203 56 44444
Honda0800 521728
Hyundai0800 9802733
Jeep00 800 0426 5337
Kia0333 202 1827
Lexus0800 246 866
Mercedes (Car)0207 975 7077
Mercedes (Van)00800 3777 7777
MG0800 072 3338
Peugeot0800 294 0294
Renault0800 085 8005
Seat0800 262622
Skoda0800 526 625
Subaru0800 777 127
Suzuki0800 107 1155
Toyota0800 246824
Vauxhall0800 553 388
Volkswagen0800 777 172
Volvo0800 777 116