Using NHibernate in ASP.NET MVC

This is a continuation of a “truck tracker” sample application that leverages NHibernate as an object relational mapper (ORM). I previously created the entities, defined a repository interface, and implemented the repository using NHibernate. During this blog

The Repository Pattern with Linq to Fluent NHibernate and MySQL

I have heard a lot of good things about NHibernate, but have never had the opportunity to use it. In this post I will describe how to get started using Fluent NHibernate with Linq to NHibernate using

A .NET Generic Repository Pattern With Implementations

I previously blogged about the repository pattern and .NET implementations. Here are the links to those old posts: The Repository Pattern The Repository Pattern – Part 2 Since that time, I have zeroed in on a fairly

Testing Your CRUD Using Generics

I often use a generic repository pattern as a wrapper around my data access logic. This wrapper generally serves the purpose of encapsulating specific implementation details. Here are the repository interfaces that I current use: public interface

GPS Nerd Is Published to CodePlex

I have been meaning to do this for quite some time. Many of you have been asking me for the code for the GPS Nerd (a.k.a. Truck Tracker) project. My “just one more thing” attitude has delayed

Using Ninject To Manage Critical Resources

This post does not pertain to the most recent (shortly after the release of this post) versions of Ninject. Ninject now handles the deactivation of all objects bound ‘InRequestScope’. Recently a discussion with a reader led to

The Repository Pattern – Part 2

I previously wrote about using the Repository Pattern with Linq to Fluent NHibernate and MySQL. Since that time, I have had the opportunity to refine and extend this approach. I have also noticed quite a few hits

Truck Tracker Is Live

I have deployed the Truck Tracker application to here for now: The application is built using the following technologies: ASP.NET MVC Google Maps API v.3 jQuery DotNetOpenAuth MySQL NHibernate Ninject The intent of the application is

An ASP.NET MVC Truck Tracker Application Using Google Maps

In a previous post we built a MySQL database and a data access layer via a repository pattern implemented using Fluent LINQT to NHibernate. We also wired up this repository in our ASP.NET MVC application using Ninject.